Stay Tuned

February 01, 2014

The Daily Star - Stay Tuned

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11 The Daily Star, Oneonta, N.Y., Friday, January 31, 2014 Dallas Buyers Club After a work-related injury sends him to the hospital, Ron Woodroof learns that he is HIV-positive and will likely die within a month. While re- searching the disease and possible treatments, Ron learns of a drug that has been testing positively in clinical trials but is currently unavailable to the public. Unwilling to accept his fate, Ron goes in search of the drug AZT and begins work- ing out a plan to ensure the drug reaches AIDS patients in America. Di rector: Jean-Marc Vallée. Stars: Matthew McCon- aughey, Jennifer Garner, Jar- ed Leto, Steve Zahn. 2013. 117 min. Biography. A/The Leatherstocking Group B/Taylor's 2 x 5 A/Munsons 2 x 3 Ben Alkes Sewing 1 x 4 Bensen Agency 1 x 5 sudoku Country Junction 1 x 3 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution page 2 videoreleases Morey's Restaurant 3 x 3 A/House B/Murphy's Home Care C/Iroquois Antiques D/Thrifty Operation 1 x 3 Transitions Boutique 1 x 2 A/Nappy Tile B/Umberto's 1 x 4 A/VFW B/Joyce's Furniture 1 x 2

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