Diversity Rules Magazine

December 2022

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

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Much of Tom Goss' youth was spent focused on his studies and on wrestling. He says he didn't feel much in the way of sexual and emo onal desires growing up. In fact, he didn't go on his first date un l he was 22, while in seminary, training to be a Catholic priest. That was when Tom realized he did have an appe te for sex, only it wasn't towards women or even the men that society deemed as handsome. His a rac- on was toward plus-sized furry men. Many of his biggest pop hits today are odes to them, and his latest album, his first holiday ep, pays homage to the world's biggest and most famous papa, Santa Claus. The album is called Big Fat Gay Ass Christmas and it includes spirited songs like "Santa Slay," "Put that Ass in Christmass," "Sassy Santa," and "Ho Ho Homo." Joining Tom on the EP are some of the biggest names in gay hip hop, gay rock-and-roll and gay country mu- sic. His frequent collaborator, de ROCHE, appears on "Ho Ho Homo," bringing the song to life with vocals that sound like a group of carolers on a doorstep. "De ROCHE and I have been making music together for over a decade," Tom says. "I want her to be a part of everything I do un l the end of me." Benjamin Koll sings on "Sassy Santa." Tom admits to having a huge crush on Benjamin. "I love the joy and posi vity he brings to the bear community," he ex- plains. Tom Goss' hope is that Big Fat Gay Ass Christmas makes people laugh and smile, then strip down to their undies and dance. "That's the Christmas I'm most looking forward to this year!" We sat down with him in his Los Angeles home. How did you land on the name Big Fat Gay Ass Christmas for your holiday album? Tom Goss: I really wanted to write something that was fun, celebratory, queer, and unapologe c. Big Fat Gay Ass Christmas hit all the markers. Though the EP is tongue-in-cheek, there seems to be a serious side to the record. Tom Goss: I have spent a lot of my life censoring my- self. Censoring what I say, what I write, how I dress, what my music sounds like, and so much more. It's been a constant state of second-guessing, carefully carving out a life that is unoffensive, in hopes that everyone will love me. But that's not real. Is Christmas your favorite me of the year? Tom Goss: I love Christmas but truthfully, I like all seasons. I don't really have a favorite. I'm generally pre y happy and excitable in my day-to-day life. I'm really just happy to be here. What's the best Christmas gi you received from Santa? 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | Dec 2022 Bear-y Christmas Tom Goss Ushers in a Big Fat Gay Ass Christmas By Noel Hoffman

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