Today's Entertainment

November 27, 2022

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • November 27 - December 3, 2022 •11 ACRYLIC PAINT CANVAS CARVE CHISEL CLAY COLOR WHEEL CONTRAST CRAYONS CREATE DRAW EASEL ENAMEL FILM FORM FRAME FRESCO GESSO GLAZE GRAPHITE HUES IMAGE INKS KILN MARKER MOSAIC MURAL PAPER PENS PORTRAIT PRIMARY COLOR REALISM SCALE SHADE STENCIL STYLE TONES TOOLS TUBE TURPENTINE VIDEO Art School From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme UltraSlim® uses a patented type of LED light to empty the contents of fat cells. Releasing all of that stubborn fat in areas you just can't seem to get rid of with dieting or exercise. The light also stimulates collagen production, helping to restore the youthful look of your skin, and reduce the appearance of scars, and blemishes. UltraSlim® is an FDA cleared device for noninvasive body contouring with no needles, no incisions, and no recovery time. The UltraSlim® treatment is slightly warm and very pleasant, the light is positioned over you, never touching your body. Relaxing in the light of UltraSlim® is like treating yourself to a mini spa day. 7818 Excelsior Rd. Suite 100, Baxter, MN 56425 Book your free consultation today 20 Appointments Available CALL NOW 218-203-0633! Lose at least 2 inches in 32 minutes, guaranteed! Non-invasive, FDA cleared FAT LOSS treatment • No dieting • No drugs • No exercise • No surgery • No pain/discomfort • Non-destructive photonic energy • Pain Management Treatment • Immediate Fat Loss • Skin Rejuvenation

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