Faces of Fayetteville

Faces of Fayetteville 2022

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC - Faces of Fayetteville

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1477053

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Page 6 of 23

2022-2023 CityView's FACES of FAYETTEVILLE 5 THE FACES OF GRANT-MURRAY REAL ESTATE COMPANIES Patrick, Neil, Gary and James Grant-Murray Commercial is where it all began. Patrick Murray, CCIM, and Neil Grant combined forces on Jan. 1, 2011. Grant-Murray Commercial serves our community, the state and more. Its agents represent sellers, buyers, landlords, and tenants in commercial real estate. The company currently has 10 brokers. Grant-Murray Property Management is focused on commercial property management, providing a full-service management solution for shopping centers, office buildings and industrial properties. Grant-Murray Homes specializes in helping first-time homebuyers, military families and experienced investors in the buying and selling of residential real estate. Grant-Murray Real Estate, www.GrantMurrayRE.com Neil Grant, 910-818-3252, neil@grantmurrayre.com Patrick Murray, 910-988-5284, patrick@grantmurrayre.com Grant-Murray Property Management, www.GrantMurrayPM.com James Sherrill, 910-263-0870, james@grantmurrayre.com Grant-Murray Homes, www.GrantMurrayHomes.com Gary Futch, 910-322-1496 gary@grantmurrayre.com Fayetteville was recently named as home to one of the 5 hottest real estate markets in the entire country. (National Association of Realtors, July 2022) Photo by Tony Wooten

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