Special Sections

Young at Heart June 2022 final

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Dominican Oaks resident Shirley Mallman and her dog Charlie. DominicanOaks.com • 3400 Paul Sweet Road, Santa Cruz 831.462.6257 Sponsored by Dignity Health Dominican Hospital. Lic. No. 440708773 Active Retirement for Active People "Once I took the lead by moving to Dominican Oaks, my life really has been like a walk in the park. Delicious meals prepared for me, my housekeeping taken care of, plenty of social events and good friends. Who knew life could be so easy?" June 2022 edition Special Advertising Supplement to the Santa Cruz Sentinel Young at Heart Young at Heart In Santa Cruz County Continued on page 2 Our Programs Health Projects Center supports people as they age to live safely at home by delivering high-quality services and programs in the Monterey Bay Region. Get in Contact! www.hpcn.org www.delmarcaregiver.org 800.624.8304 Central Coast Area Heath Education Center Multipurpose Senior Services Program Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center Medi-Cal AIDs Waiver Program Aptos Natural Foods: Great Offerings Packed into a Small Space South County residents are fortunate to have Aptos Natural Foods as a great resource for fresh food, healthy products, and many wellness op- tions. "Everything we carry, we try to ensure it is organic—at minimum, non-GMO," says Wil- liam Dickinson, who is currently helping operate Aptos Natural Foods for the owner—his brother Gene "Dario" Dickinson. "In fact, all our produce is organic," adds William. "Sometimes this means we don't have the variety of the big stores. Howev- er, you can guarantee that if you're buying produce or any of the hundreds of other products or con- sumables we sell, they are responsibly sourced and come to us with the highest degree of integ- rity regarding organic farming and non-GMO practices." William's brother Dario became the General Manager of Aptos Natural Foods in 2011 and purchased the shop in 2015. "The vision of ANF — which has been my brother's vision since he became involved— is to support small, local busi- nesses and carry products made by companies that demonstrate a high degree of integrity." Since 1990, ANF has been satisfying customers of all ages—including seniors. "One of our main buyers for our wellness department is a senior, and as such, she has unique insights into the needs of seniors—such as age-appropriate vitamins and supplements, along with specific all-natural formulas that speak to is- sues that surround aging," says William. In terms of groceries that can be ben- eficial to seniors, the store carries "…bulk psyllium husk (a great source of digestive fiber) and bulk honey. Further, our bulk foods are another section that is all organic," adds William. Every Wednesday and Sunday, shoppers 65 and older receive a 10% discount on all products. In addition, all customers receive a 5% discount on wellness products on Wednesdays—and seniors get to combine discounts, so they get a 15% well- ness product discount once a week! Also, students receive a 5% discount on all purchases up to $74.99 and once they hit the $75 mark, that 5% transforms into 10% off their entire order. "Students must present a current student ID or some type of current registration for high school, Cabrillo, UCSC or another local college," says William. And for customers of any age: all summer long, on Fridays, ANF is running Blowout Specials on fruit. Local experts, employed by ANF, appear in the store regularly to offer in-person advice. These include Ramona Richards, who is there on Fridays from 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. You can view health tips from Ramona on ANF's Instagram and Facebook accounts (@aptosnatu- ralfoods). Look for the "Ramona's Corner" posts. Here are a few tips from her: 1. Digestive bitters have a long and helpful history in the world of the GI tract. The bitter flavor on the tongue alerts the brain to tell the stomach to create stomach acid. This begins your protein digestion. Use digestive bitters about 15 minutes before you eat to have your stomach ready for digesting your meal! 2. The Emerald brand of multivitamins is one of my favorites. The line is formulated by a doctor or naturopath, and always includes the active form of folic acid, methylfolate; this is important, as a significant percent of the population cannot change artificial 'folic acid' into the active methylfolate form. Methylfolate is important for the brain to work optimally, for homocysteine to stay low, and for hundreds of other bodily functions. 3. Hyaluronic acid (HA) Artichokes at ANF - Contributed Photo By Tara Fatemi Walker

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