Diversity Rules Magazine

December 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1433673

Contents of this Issue


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Tituss Burgess joins Broadway ar sts from under-rep- resented segments of the theatre community in the new musical album, Place and Time, re- leasing December 3. The album shines a spotlight on women, queer POC, theys, enbys and transgen- dered people. "We are here too," says co-creator EllaRose Chary, a lesbian, "and like everyone else, we experience a range of feelings and circumstances that aren't all cen- tered on our trauma or our otherness." Songs are fun, flirty, emo onal and nostalgic; sung by an all-star cast of Broadway performers and Tony Award winners who are revved-up, spiced-up and some mes fed up. "We hope listeners will relate to the characters and maybe even see themselves reflect- ed in the canon," says Chary's writ- ing partner Brandon James Gwinn, who iden fies as queer and gender fluid. The duo recently won the 2021 Richard Rodgers Award for their musical, TL;DR Thelma Lou- ise; Dyke Remix. Place and Time is a culmina on of their ten-years working and wri ng together; their musical and gender awakening. Musical theater is o en re- garded as being "so gay", but El- laRose Chary and Brandon James Gwinn feel that despite that, it's o en not very "queer." The wri ng team behind the 2021 Richard Rodgers Award winning musical, TL;DR Thelma Louise; Dyke Remix, aim to change that. Their new album, Place and Time, is shining a spotlight on women, queerPOC, theys, enbys and trans folk. "We are here too," says EllaRose Chary, "and like everyone else, we experience a range of feelings and circumstances that aren't all centered on our trauma or our otherness." Place and Time fea- tures Broadway ar sts from un- der-represented segments of the community singing about emo- ons that all can relate to. The songs are fun, flirty, emo onal and nostalgic; sung by charac- ters who are revved-up, spiced- up and some mes fed up. "We hope listeners will relate to the 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | Dec 2021 Place and Time Shing the Spotlight on Women, Queer People of Color, Theys, Enbys and Transgender People. Article Compliments of Project Publicity EllaRose Chary Brandon James Gwinn

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