Shelby Shopper

October 21, 2021

Shelby Shopper Shelby NC

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Thursday, October 21-October 27, 2021 704/484-1047 - shelby shopper & info - Page 7 Your health means everything. So don't let painful, unsightly varicose veins slow you down. To learn more, watch our vein video online at To schedule a consultation, call 828.286.5599 The Vein Center at LISTEN TO LIFE by Dr. Joey Faucette I pulled a new, unopened pack of turkey out of What's easy for you? the refrigerator. It was a brand I wasn't familiar with, but I mean how hard could it be to open a container of turkey, right? Well, I searched around a bit, found the place to open the lid and got it off. Next, the turkey was vacuum-sealed inside. So I picked up the package, and noticed on one corner a label that read, "Easy Open Here." "Piece of cake," I thought, and began pulling on the "Easy Open Here" corner. And I pulled…and pulled, folded and tried to separate the seal, and nothing worked. Finally I just gave up, found the scissors, and cut it open. You know, what's "Easy Open Here" for one person, isn't so easy for another. You are unique among over 7 billion people here so what works easily for you might not be easy for someone else. Avoid assuming just because something is easy for you that it'll be easy for someone else. Instead work to make life easy for others, asking them what that looks like, as you Live Positive and make a life worth living today. NORRIS MERCHANDISE 2011 S. Lafayette St. (Hwy. 18 S) Shelby, NC • 704-482-8464 Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5:30pm • Sat 8am - 3pm ©CommunityFirstMedia C o o l e r W e a t h e r i s H e r e ! C o o l e r W e a t h e r i s H e r e ! S t o c k U p O n S t o c k U p O n Seasonal Favorites! a "Call Us And Compare Our Rates" "Call Us And Compare Our Rates" WITHERSPOON INSURANCE INSURANCE LOW DOWN LOW DOWN PAYMENTS PAYMENTS CALL TODAY CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FOR YOUR QUOTE! QUOTE! "Serving Cleveland Serving Cleveland County Since 1986" County Since 1986" 704-480-9595 125 N. Lafayette St. • Shelby, NC Across From First Baptist Church • AUTO • HOME • LIFE • AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH • BUSINESS • HEALTH • BUSINESS • MOTOR • MOTORCYCLES • RVs CYCLES • RVs AUTO INSURANCE SPECIALIST AUTO INSURANCE SPECIALIST Home Life Auto Agents: Wayne Witherspoon, Justin Witherspoon, Linda Thomas, Carol Pearson & Tammy Shaffer ED. NOTE: (The recipes in to- day's Cooking Corner are from "100 Years in the Kitchen," a cookbook published by Women of the Church of First Presbyterian Church.) CHICKEN DIVINE Sylvia Neisler 3 or 4 chicken breasts 1 10. Lb. pkg. Broccoli spears ½ t lemon juice SAUCE 1 can cream of mushroom soup ½ cup mayonnaise ½ t. curry powder TOPPING ½ cup shredded Cheddar cheese ½ cup breadcrumbs mixed in 1 TBSP. melted butter Simmer chicken in salt water until done. Debone. Cook broccoli according to pack- age directions. Line casserole with butter. Put in broccoli (drained). Add chicken. Pour sauce over. Top with cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Serves 4. CHICKEN PIE Marion Thomasson 4 chicken breast halves, cooked and deboned 1 can cream of celery soup 1 ½ cup chicken broth 1 stick melted oleo or butter Mix 1 ½ cup Bisquick with 1 ½ cups milk. Bake 350 degrees for one hour SPINACH CASSEROLE Connie P. Ramsey 2 pkgs. Frozen spinach ½ pkg. Pepperidge dressing 1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 stick oleo Cook and drain spinach. Soften cream cheese and ½ stick oleo. Mix with the spin- ach and put in casserole. Melt the other half stick of oleo and mix with ½ pkg. of dressing. Sprinkle on top of spinach and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Serves 4-6. APPLE COFFEE CAKE Debbie Patterson 1 t. vanilla 1 stick margarine, melted 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup self-rising flour ¼ t. nutmeg 1 t. cinnamon 1 ½ cup diced apples Nus if desired Combine all ingredients. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes one 9-inch layer. ORANGE BALLS Mary Shaw 1 small box vanilla wafers, crushed 1 box powdered sugar 1 stick butter 6 oz. can frozen orange juice 1 c. nuts, cut up Coconut Combine all ingredients ex- cept coconut. Roll into small balls, then roll in coconut. Carolina Carolina CLASSIFIEDS .com Your Link to Local Classifi eds!

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