Diversity Rules Magazine

September 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1406555

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Though born in Britain, Val came to the an podes when he was rela vely young, and now considers himself to be an Australian author. He admits to suffering from an addic on to books and reading for as far back as he can remember. It was only with the discovery of gay, romance that he wrote his first complete novel, Bombay Bushie, and Extasy Books subsequently pub- lished it. Since then there have been two further novels plus several short stories, all pub- lished by Extasy. Now Val has ven- tured into the Gay Fantasy genre with the publica- on of his novel, Fallen Angel. It will be first in a new saga, Angel's of the Apocolypse. The second novel, Dark Angel, is expected to be available in October. Sold through Amazon, these new fantasies will be in both digital and print formats. When he's not si ng at the computer, Val loves traveling with his life partner, both in his own fabu- lous country and other parts of the world. Even the darkest secret can't stand in the way of love. Roo McCormack was a local hero un l he killed an opponent. These days Roo is just another washed-up boxer working in a gym. History consigned his dreams of being a champion to the scrapheap. But, buried deep inside him, there's always the itch to box. For him, the irrita on's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore, and it's taking all his willpower not to start scratching. Jacob Tyler was born and raised as a Jehovah Wit- ness. Jacob's passion for the piano and his secret plan to audi on for the conservatorium of music puts him at odds with his faith, the Elders, and his father. Ja- cob's father is fana cal about his religion, and all he cares about is Jacob's salva on. Unexpected friendship leaves Jacob and Roo wishing they understood what was happening. It was more than the knowing glances and uninten onal touches of a hand. Combining those things with the scent of another body added up to way too many hazards for the unsuspec ng. Though there wasn't a sign outside the building, they knew what went on behind the closed door. A er all, even a pair of truant sixteen-year-olds were smart enough to work that out. What with blokes coming and going all day and well into the night, it was a 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | Sept 2021 Duo A Book By Val Frances

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