Diversity Rules Magazine

September 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1406555

Contents of this Issue


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Jim Koury is a seeker of personal truth, and desires to empower oth- ers to find their own personal truth, whatever it may be. He is also an ac vist who is not afraid to speak his mind, and ruffle some feath- ers, if necessary. His main objec ve is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristotle's mantra, "It is the mark of an educated mind to en- tertain a thought without accep ng it." Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish. Welcome to the September issue of Diver- sity Rules Magazine! It is pre y unbeliev- able that we are into the last quarter of the year already. Geez. Where is the me going? Quickly by, that's where. But like last year, will we be sad to see it leave, given all that has happened with Covid? Probably not! This month's issue is a bit different. There is no feature interview or primary focus. I have self-published my second book called "Soul Journey." I started thinking about others who may be in the same situa on and who may be thinking, "I have published my book. Now what?" There is marke ng and adver sing and just a constant effort to publicize the fruit of our labor. It is a never-ending process. Publishing the book is the easy part! I thought it would be a great idea to focus on books wri en by my fellow queer authors or authors who have queer-themed books. I wanted to do something to help other strug- gling authors out or authors that deserve to have a bit more publicity given to them. I must admit that I have not read the books listed in this issue. I just picked some interest- ing tles from a great Facebook group called "LGBTQ+ Writers and Readers." There are some marvelous books there, and I certainly encourage you to check not only the ones highlighted in this month's issue but also the many others at the group site. The September issue also includes ar cles and columns from the regular contributors you have come to know and love. It also has some new features and ar cles of interest. Stay safe as we con nue with a new surge of infec ons in the unvaxxed. For heaven's sake, people, if you are not vaxxed, GET VACCINAT- ED! Why are you wai ng? The vaccines are safe and effec ve, and now that the FDA has given formal approval to the Pfizer vaccine, there is no excuse not to. Do yourself a fa- vor and protect yourself and OTHERS. Do not hesitate to get the vaccine. What is common sense to those of us who are vaxxed, unfortu- nately, is not to others. It is very confounding and sad to see so many unnecessary deaths and sickness because of silly fears and con- spiracy theories circulated by stupid people. Ok, then, see you all in October! My Two Cents A Message From The Editor James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine | Sept 2021 | 3

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