North Bay Woman

NBW October 2020

North Bay Woman Magazine

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F A L L 2 0 2 0 NORTH BAY WOMAN 61 PROFILE ADVERTISEMENT Want more #NBW? Have our NEW monthly newsletter delivered directly to your inbox! Kim Manley KM Herbals Aromatherapy Skincare Dillon Beach, CA | 707.878.2980 | As a pioneering herbalist and aromatherapist, Kim Manley founded KM Herbals skincare on an appreciation for the therapeutic benefits of plants to promote holistic wellness. With over 30 years of experience pairing skincare with aromatherapy, Kim remains dedicated to her vision of not only delivering spa-quality products, but also promoting the essential cycle of self and community care – this year, more than ever. As the coronavirus hit the US and lockdowns ensued, KM Herbals remained open, supporting its community with purifying botanical products and donating supplies to first responders. Channeling her expertise into her work, Kim extended her wellness line to include plant-powered hand sanitizer, mask mists, and hand soap. She leads with integrity and adaptability to answer the call of local community in a time of crisis, furthering her mission to provide community with quality self-care that enlivens the body, mind, and spirit. Kim reminds her team that self-care does not simply exist within the 'self' but is a process that starts and ends with each other. Wherever you find yourself, and whatever your relationship to self-care, remember to prioritize time for your own well-being, as it is the seed that makes your care for others even more fruitful. Need a fresh start to self-care? See page 43 to enjoy a FREE aromatherapy skincare sample set to inspire and reinvigorate your own personal care practice. Please see our privacy policy here. Please see our privacy policy here. privacy-policy/ privacy-policy/ You can also join the daily fun by following us: Sign up here: Launching January 2021 We'll be featuring inspiring stories along with useful tips and life hacks specifically for women in the Bay Area.

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