The Indiana Publisher

September 2019 IP

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September 2019 Page 3 Michael Reschke Herald-Times (Bloomington) Scott Pelley said someone came up to him on the street in Manhattan recently and told him it must be a terrible time to be a reporter. Pelley replied that it was just the opposite. "It's the best time possible to be a reporter because the American people are looking at us right now, they're paying attention to what we're doing and this is an opportu- nity to show them what we do and how we do it and what our principles are and the indispensable role that journalism plays in our freedom," he said. Pelley, a correspondent for CBS' "60 Minutes," was the keynote speaker for a daylong celebration marking the opening of Indiana University's Michael I. Arnolt Center for Investigative Journalism. The celebration began Tuesday afternoon with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, followed by panel discussions with award-winning journalists. Many of those journalists had ties to Indiana, IU or both. Pelley, a graduate of Texas Tech University, did not, but Kathleen Johnston, director of the new investigative center, did her best to find a connection while introducing the former "CBS Evening News" anchor. "Nineteen years ago today there was a personnel change," she said, in reference to the firing of legendary IU men's basketball coach Bob Knight, who went on to coach at Texas Tech. Pelley peppered his 50-minute speech with jokes and humorous anecdotes, such as the time he ran from an interview with a Chinese dissident in a Beijing park before realizing the man chasing him was only asking him to stay off the grass. But much of what Pelley said to the more than 200 people gathered in Franklin Hall took a more serious tone. He opened by thanking Arnolt, an IU alumnus who donated $6 million to create the investigative journalism center. "Michael Arnolt knows there is no democracy without journalism," Pelley said. Stories from his book, "Truth Worth Telling," which he signed copies of before and after the talk, were used to demonstrate the principles of journalism. One of those was to provide accurate, reliable information in times of crisis. Pelley read from his book and recited from memory the events of Sept. 11, 2001. He recounted a 911 call a woman made from the 83rd floor of one of the towers after it was struck by a plane. The woman asked the dispatcher if she could get anyone up there. The dispatcher assured her help was on the way. A team of firefighters, led by battalion chief Orio Palmer, was making its way up to the woman. A recording of Palmer's radio communications from that day revealed they had reached the 78th floor before the building collapsed. Before that recording was discovered, investigators estimated the firefighters had reached only the 50th floor, Pelley said. To show journalism's power to give a voice to the voiceless, Pelley told the story of an interview he did with a Yazidi woman from Iraq. When Isis swept into her village, the Yazidis refused to convert to Islam. As punishment, Isis murdered some 600 men. All the women and girls age 9 and older were sold into slavery. The woman agreed to be interviewed on certain conditions. She asked that her face be covered, that all men on the set except for Pelley sit behind curtains and for the female producer to sit next her while holding her hand. As the inter- view went on, Pelley said he could hear her confidence grow. "It was almost as if she realized that she wasn't speaking for herself," Pelley said, "she was speaking for her people." A few months later, Germany accepted a large number of refugees. The woman settled there and joined a Yazidi human rights organization. Later, members of the United Nations heard about her work and asked her to speak at a conference on the injustices that women suffer during war at a conference in Geneva, Switzerland. A couple years later, Pelley was in a hotel room in Washing- ton, D.C., preparing for an interview. He got a phone call informing him the woman he had interviewed, Nadia Murad, had won the Nobel Peace Prize. "That's what I mean about empowering people to speak," Pelley said. The talk concluded where it began, with Pelley impressing upon the audience that, despite the challenges journalists face, their work is essential for democracy. He cited the Sedition Act of 1798 as an example of how bad things could get. The law made it a felony to criticize the president or members of Congress. In a critique of the law, James Madison wrote in 1800 that freedom of the press is the right that guarantees all the others. Pelley said Madison knew that if the American people could say what they wanted to say, write what they wanted to write and read what they wanted to read, then all of the rights that he put in the Bill of Rights would be protected. "The stakes are that high," Pelley said. "And that's what I tell young journalism students today: That the future of the country, in large measure, is dependent on the quality of our journalism." Scott Pelley, correspondent for "60 Minutes," presents his keynote speech as part of the grand opening of the Michael I. Arnolt Center for Investigative Journalism Tuesday evening at Indiana University's Franklin Hall. (Bobby Goddin / Herald-Times) '60 Minutes' Scott Pelley tells audience 'no democracy without journalism' at opening for IU's Arnolt Center "It's the best time possible to be a reporter ..." Scott Pelley '60 Minutes' correspondent

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