The Press-Dispatch

April 10, 2019

The Press-Dispatch

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, April 10, 2019 A-3 LOCAL Call: 812-354-8500 Email: or bring in a hard copy: 820 E. Poplar Street, Petersburg SOMETHING NEWSWORTHY? Give us a call—812-354-8500 NEWS BRIEFS Petersburg to flush hydrants starting April 12 The City of Petersburg will be flushing hydrants on Friday, April 12, Monday, April 15, Tuesday, April 16, Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18. Spring birding walk set for April 12 The Ohio Valley Birding Festival will be April 12 at the Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge for a birding walk in search of warblers, waterfowl and grassland sparrows. The hike, led by Evan Speck, will begin at 7 a.m. CDT at Boyd's parking lot. To get to Boyd's park- ing lot, take SR 64 east out of Oakland City. A brown Refuge sign will direct you to turn left at CR 1275. Fol- low the brown Refuge signs that direct you to Snakey Point Marsh where the parking lot can be found. This event is open to the public and is sponsored by the Evansville Audubon Society. In Search of Spring Wildflowers set for April 13 April showers bring wildflowers. Patoka River NWR wildflower enthusiasts Marietta Smith and Nancy Gehlhausen will discover what is blooming on the Ref- uge on Saturday, April 13 at 9 a.m. CDT. They will meet at the Grandy's parking lot at the junction of SR 64 and SR 57 and plan to drive or carpool to a designated loca- tion on the Refuge. Exploring will be off trail through the woods. Suitable clothing and shoes, as well as in- sect repellent, are suggested. The wildflower walk will take place rain or shine unless there is severe weather forecasted. For more information, call 812-749 -3311. Incoming PCHS ninth grade parents' meeting, April 17 There will be a PCHS incoming ninth grade parents' meeting, Wednesday, April 17 from 6:30 -7:30 p.m. at the Pike Central High School Vance Hays Auditorium. All parents are encouraged to attend. Upcoming event? We want to know! Do you have an upcoming event? Send it to news@ or call 812-354-8500. Visit us at OPEN Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. No Checks 714 E. MAIN STREET • 812-789-3054 1. Choose Any Items In The Store Roses, Bath Bombs, Soaps, Candles, Gifts and More 2. Choose Your Basket or Bring Your Own 3. We'll Arrange It Beautifully and Finish It For Giving JEWELRY SOAP Variety of scents with a jewelry surprise inside NEW ARRIVALS JEWELRY BATH BOMBS Each one has a jewelry surprise inside TOY BATH BOMBS Available again! 100% natural Your Own Easter Basket Easter Basket BUILD (PHUJHQF\6HUYLFHV :K\GRPRUHSDWLHQWVFKRRVH*RRG6DPDULWDQ¶V(PHUJHQF\5RRPDQG 7UDXPD&HQWHURYHUDQ\RWKHUHPHUJHQF\GHSDUWPHQWLQWKHUHJLRQ" .QRZQDQGWUXVWHGHPHUJHQF\PHGLFLQH ERDUGFHUWL¿HGSK\VLFLDQVZLWKPRUHWKDQ \HDUVRIFRPELQHGVHUYLFHDW*RRG6DPDULWDQ 1XUVHVZLWKDGYDQFHGGHJUHHVDQG FHUWL¿FDWLRQV PLQXWHVIDVWHUWKDQWKHQDWLRQDODYHUDJH IRUXQEORFNLQJDQDUWHU\GXULQJDKHDUWDWWDFN /HYHO,,,7UDXPD&HQWHUDQG3ULPDU\ 6WURNH&HQWHU $GXOWDQGSHGLDWULF6H[XDO$VVDXOW 1XUVH([DPLQHUV PLQXWHDYHUDJHZDLWWLPH $OOWKHDERYH /($' (5 ,1(0(5*(1&<&$5( &RPSDVVLRQDWHTXDOLW\FDUH IURPRXUIDPLO\WR\RXUV READER GUIDE Subscriptions: Change of address: subscribers changing addresses will please give old address as well as new one along with phone number. We cannot guarantee prompt change unless this is done. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Press-Dispatch., P.O. Box 68, Petersburg, IN 47567-0068 or e-mail to subscribe@ Subscription rates: One year: $31 for Pike County and all 475/476 zip codes; $34 in the state of Indiana; $51 elsewhere in the USA. Paid in advance. Subscriptions taken after noon on Friday will not receive a paper until the second edition after their subscription date. About us: Andrew G. Heuring and John B. Heuring, Publishers Andrew G. Heuring, Editor John B. Heuring, Adv. Mgr. Eric Gogel, Production Mgr. Monica Sinclair, Office Mgr. Cindy Petty, Adv. Sales Pam Lemond, Adv. Sales Matt Haycraft, Adv. Designer • • • Published every Wednesday by the Pike County Publishing Co. Phone: 812-354-8500 820 E. Poplar St., P.O. Box 68, Petersburg, IN 47567-0068 • • • Entered in the Post Office in Petersburg, Indiana for transmission through the mails as Periodical Mail, postage paid at Petersburg, Indiana – published weekly. (USPS 205- 620) Contact us: Phone: ...................................................................812-354-8500 Fax: ....................................................................... 812-354-2014 E-mail: Andy Heuring, Editor Advertising General News Sports Subscription Services Kindergarten Roundup Above: Paige Holman, a future PES kindergar- tener, tests on shapes and colors. Right: Lexie Mounts, with parents Doug and Mara, registers for kin- dergarten at Petersburg Elementary School. Kenzie Rudolph photos Five Generation Pictured: Margaret (Martin) Kreigh holding great-great grandson Lucan Couch, standing left to right: great-grandmother Patricia (Veale) Shouse, mother Hanna (Warren) Couch and grandmother Angela (Tevault) Roach.

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