VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more
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F E B R U A R Y 4 , 2 0 1 3 / Y O U R b u s i n e s s - t o - b u s i n e s s w e e k ly SPECIAL FOCUS MONEYMATTERS This month, VEGAS INC highlights taxes, finance and accounting. Association pushing for clarification on robosigning MONA SHIELD PAYNE / SPECIAL TO VEGAS INC THE PLANNERS: Attorneys, from left, Collins Hunsaker, Jason Walker, Corey Schmutz and Jeff Burr pause in the law firm of Jeffrey Burr and Associates, 2600 Paseo Verde Parkway, Henderson. The lawyers specialize in estate planning, probate and trust administration. The law firm was founded in 1983. MINIMIZING THE PAIN Meet Southern Nevada's tax lawyers: Their job is to save you money and migraines By Rob Langrell staff writer T axes and lawyers. Two of the most hated topics. ¶ But find a good tax lawyer and he or she is likely to change your mind. ¶ A well-trained tax attorney can keep you or your company on firm legal ground, prevent an IRS audit, and perhaps most importantly, save you money. ¶ Tax attorneys perform two main functions, whether their client is an individual, small business or multimillion dollar corporation. Simply put, they prevent problems and minimize obligations. see LAWYERS, page 15 By Eli Segall staff writer With the Nevada Legislature back in session today, a real estate lobbying group has a slate of issues it wants lawmakers to consider. The most important is whether to change the state's controversial "robosigning" law. The Nevada Association of Realtors is pushing for changes to the law while at the same time trying to downplay its impact on business. AB 284 forces banks to provide a signed affidavit saying they have personal knowledge of a property's document history before they can foreclose on a house. Foreclosures have plummeted in the Las Vegas Valley since the law took effect in October 2011, and real estate brokers have blamed the legislation for reducing the inventory of homes for sale. One in every 37 housing units in Nevada received a foreclosure filing last year, down almost 57 percent see REALTORS, page 13 INSIDE TODAY HOW MUCH IS A JOB WORTH? | P. 6 State officials approve millions in tax incentives for job-creating companies CONTESTED WINS | P. 11 What happens when you think you won a jackpot, and the casino says you didn't THE LIST | P. 22 Women- and minority-owned businesses READY, SET, WIN. PECCOLE PROFESSIONAL PARK 10080 WEST ALTA DRIVE, SUITE 200 • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89 45 1 20130204_VI01_F.indd 1 HUTCHLEGAL.COM 1/31/13 2:57:33 PM