Special Sections

drive for schools 091118

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DRIVE FOR SCHOOLS SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 3 S P O N S O R E D B Y T H E S A N T A C R U Z B E A C H B O A R D W A L K A N D S U B A R U A N D T O Y O T A O F S A N T A C R U Z This year you helped us raise $714,000. The program has raised over $5.4 million for local schools since 2005 and every penny earned is kept by the participating schools. SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR DONATIONS: Mission Printers, Dell Williams Jewelers, Beach Street Café, Best Western Seacli Inn, BOB FM, Body Zone Health & Fitness, Boulder Creek Golf & Country Club, Burger, Chardonnay Sailing Charters, Costanoa Lodge, Costco, Craft Gallery, Dream Inn, Emily's Bakery, Golden State Warriors, Good Times, Jamba Juice, Jason Iwatsuru, KCBA, KCDU, KDON, KHIP, Kianti's Pizza & Pasta Bar, KOCN, KTOM, KWAV, Laguna Seca Golf Ranch, Matt Twisselman, Mission Hill Creamery, Mount Hermon Adventures, O'Neill's Surf Shop, Pacic Cookie Company, Palace Oce & Art Supply, Phil's Fish Market, Regal Cinemas, Roaring Camp, Rocky's Fitness, Sage Float Spa, Santa Cruz Sentinel, Santa Cruz Warriors, Severino's Bar & Grill, Shadowbrook Restaurant, Stagnaro Bros. Seafood, The Garden Company, Tam Communications, The Bagelry, Ultraderm Med Spa, Vetch, Xnity, Zelda's Restaurant Thank You... for helping us raise $714,000! DRIVE FOR SCHOOLS SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR THEIR DONATIONS: Congratulations to Lisandro De Lat, Grand Prize Winner of the 2017 Drive For Schools! 2017 RESULTS

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