Wynn Las Vegas Magazine by MODERN LUXURY

WYNN - 2012 - Issue 1 - Spring

Wynn Magazine - Las Vegas

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/63192

Contents of this Issue


Page 59 of 135

WYNN SIGHTS Famed fast-fashion retailers Topshop and Topman kicked off their Fashion Show mall opening with a non-stop round of Wynn parties. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Terry Seymour and Topshop owner Sir Philip Green. Tom Payne, Sir Philip Green, and TOPSHOP DEBUTS IN LAS VEGAS WITH A NIGHT OF WYNN PARTIES Beth Webb. The scene at Tryst. Jane and Courtney Schorr. Mary Homer and Gordon Richardson. Rick Caruso with Steve and Andrea Wynn. Jesse Waits and Robert Earl. Nick Hissom. 58 WYNN PHOTOGRAPHY BY DENISE TRUSCELLO/WIREIMAGE

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