Diversity Rules Magazine

September 2014

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/373555

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3 Diversity Rules Magazine September 2014 Terry's brother Rob died of AIDS in 2004 and le her his writings of which Keep Up Now is the result. To find out how to manifest happiness and abundance, check out Terry's website at: www.terryludwig.net. Terry can be reached at: keepupnow@gmail.com. I'm finally learning to listen to my inner voice. It's been quite a journey. My lessons have always come through my relationships. Once again, I have had to make a choice. e mind argues to analyze the data and make the well-informed decision, but the soul AL- WAYS knows the way. Our early domestication and conditioning experiences have created habits that keep us blind to our true nature, and deprived of perceiving our destiny; our soul's purpose. We've been trained to follow suite, don't make waves, do the right thing. With the multitude of choices to be made throughout the day, the mind is barraged with questions; which one should I choose? is time, I have been vigilant to detach from my early conditioning and let go of my need to answer hastily. In- stead, I journey inward to ask for guidance. e inherent knowledge within, is a great untapped resource and I now know to ask permission from my soul before making choices. e soul always knows. It will tell you, if you listen. When you ask the soul, it re- plies. When the answer is no; it is felt as the heaviness in your heart, the aching in your gut (you know the feeling; like you want to throw up) or the lump in your throat; telling you this path is not the one to bring you happiness. When the answer is yes; it is experienced as the peace in your heart, the skip in your step, the lightness in your face and the warm glow of happiness in your belly. Your ego reinforces the drama and insists the choice will bring you greater pleasure. Don't be deceived. It's a trap. Each day, the journey continues and the inner battles rage on. For me, the hardest choice to make has been between the desire to care for others, often times at the expense of my own happiness and the choice to have the courage to lis- ten to my inner voice pointing me in the direction of inner peace, self love and gratitude. is voice brings me peace, joy and happiness. It feels light as a feather and lifts me up, off of the ground. ere is so much more to this; so many doors to open, and so much more love to experi- ence. It's time to step out of the box we've put ourselves in and reach beyond the veil. e monkey mind keeps us distract- ed from life's greatest treasures. We've been deceived into thinking our shroud offers security, with its heavy weights and murky edges. When you lift the cloak and step out into the sunlight, you will perceive a world you've never witnessed before. And you will realize, you haven't even scratched the surface. Often, we refuse to leave the familiar surroundings of the cloak we seek refuge in. Even the pain is better than the unknown and preferred to the fear of change. e most painful lessons are the ones that rip the cloak from our clenched hands and force us outside of our comfort zone. Ironically, is is where the journey to happiness truly begins. Be grateful for the opportuni- ties that bring you clos- er to discovering the truth about who you are. Allow the Uni- verse to lay it's treasures at your feet. Don't be afraid to step outside and embark on the road to your ultimate expression of happiness and love. You are here for a pur- pose. Happiness is your only function. If you aren't happy, you're not living your truth. Have faith. Set your intention for happiness. Look inside for the answers and allow your inner voice to direct your actions. You are a magnificent co-creator of the Universe. It's time to start living your dream, creating happiness and manifesting abundance! Keep up Now ~ with the stream of higher consciousness and stay connected to the Source. Keep Up Now By Terry Ludwig (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / grsphoto "He shall wear a band of blue upon his arm 12 inches long. And words hold meaning in their names, fate untold, a weight true trove. Our names, our destiny, entwined. Predestined to find, arise, you now, yourself be true, to numeric pur- pose. And know now with this recognition that all shall pass away in time." – Rob Ludwig

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