Diversity Rules Magazine

November 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: http://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1424615

Contents of this Issue


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20| Diversity Rules Magazine |Nov 2021 .Diversity Rules Magazine Wants You! Are you a writer, musician, poet, or other type of cre- ative person looking for a venue to express yourself in but haven't been able to garner the attention you want? Diversity Rules Magazine wants to hear from you! Showcase yourself and your talent in front of a di- verse audience each month through the online digital magazine as well as the website. Contact the editor today and find out how to be part of Diversity Rules Maga- zine and get yourself fea- tured monthly or as a guest feature!! Want to advertise and/or subscribe? Head to the website to find out how to do both! diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com (607) 435.1587 Acceptance - Con't from page 13 7. Acceptance can only come with forgiveness - for- giveness of others and ourselves. We can't be angry and in true acceptance at the same me. Acceptance means taking responsibility for everything in our lives including the arguments, disagreements and hurt. Forgiveness allows us to see the big picture. With all pain comes growth. With forgiveness comes the les- son and clarity. Forgiveness brings us a peace of mind, it allows us to move forward and grow. Hold onto pain and you will remain stuck in nega vity. 8. Acceptance of your life in the present moment means change is coming. We can accept our situa- ons and where we are but with each new day comes new changes. No ma er how much you try to avoid change, it's unavoidable. So accept where you are and your situa on and know that acceptance is the begin- ning of your next chapter. 9. When you feel stuck and stagnate- accept. Don't keep trying to problem solve and find an answer when your thought process is the same. We don't problem solve in a healthy manner when we are in the mist of a struggle and filled with anger and fear. Instead, try the acceptance route. Stop the struggle, let go of the fight and just accept. This means do nothing, don't take any ac on just accept. Be s ll and at peace with where you are at this very moment. Don't try to change it, fight it, ignore it, avoid it, etc. just truly accept. When we accept and let go and see things with a clear vision, new answers and solu ons come up. Accept and wait for it, it will come.

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