The Bluffer

October 2017

The Bluffer - Red Bluff, CA

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Features Page 4 October 13, 2017 "I would go to Spain because last time I visited I had a lot of fun, and it's pretty." "Mexico, because I would not have to travel that far." "Australia, because there is a lot of cool animals there." "I would honestly go to Madagascar so I can catch lemurs." If you could go to any foreign country, which one would it be? Sound Off/ Yvette Saldana "Australia, because I want to ride a kangaroo." "Prague because my wife never shuts up about wanting to go there. So if I know what's good for me I'll make it happen." partan ound S off Lizzy Crooks Staff Writer Easton Ross Staff Writer Andy Garcia Staff Writer Mrs. Gantenbein (Teacher) Mr. Ackley (Teacher) Kailee Bowling (11) Daniel Culligan (10) Emma Rae Westphal (9) Jake Benner Staff Writer Marshall Brose (12) Austrian Exchange history spans for over two decades at RBHS Friday the Thirteenth: Popular Superstitions RBHS vs. Corning 34th Annual Tehama The Boo Comics Greeting From Graz football team, the JV and Varsity against the Cardinals. The Frosh football team will play on Thursday, October 12th at 5:30 p.m. The JV and Varsity football team will play on Friday October 13th. JV will play at 5:30 and Varsity will play around 7:30. Issac Aguilar, a senior on the varsity team, is l o o k i n g forward to "...seeing all the linemen secure the b a l l . " I s s a c i s predicting the final score will be 28-3 in favor of Corning. Miguel Santillan, a senior, is With the SATs/PSATs coming up, some students are more motivated than ever to improve their scores, or to get the score they worked for, for first time test takers. Students such as Lindsay Harrison, a junior at Red Bluff High School, and Ellie Miller, a senior, have been studying hard for months hoping to achieve the score they wish for. With the SATs taking place on October 7th, students only have so much time to study. The new SAT test consists of a reading test, writing and language test, and a math test. The SAT test has an optional essay component, which some colleges will require. SAT questions focus on skills that matter most for college readiness and success. Lindsay Harrison, is taking the test for her first time and has been preparing for the test in various ways, such as "... looking through packets and taking practice tests online." For seniors, the test means a lot and helps them prepare for college. Senior Ellie Miller, who will be taking the test for her second time, hopes to improve on certain areas of the test, such as the English portion of the test. When Ellie was asked what she hopes to do differently her second time taking the test, she responded, "I forgot my calculator last time, I definitely won't forget it this time." With the SATs, there are many challenges to overcome. Both Lindsay Harrison and Ellie Miller believe that time will be the biggest challenge especially with the timed essay. The SATs is a very long, hard test, and confidence is key. It is important to remain calm and shoot for the highest score possible, as the score can determine which college you end up in. Cartoon by Rebeccah Smith The Austrian Exchange has been one of the most looked- forward-to annual events of Red Bluff High School for approximately the last 20 years. It's been a wonderful opportunity for teachers and students alike, but how did it get started? In about 1995, there was an influx of Hispanic students in the population here at Red Bluff High. This, unfortunately, was a cause for racial tension among the student body. According to Mr. Joe Pelanconi, who was principal at the time, this reaction was seen as a red flag- the school faculty decided they should provide exposure to the outside world for our small-town teenagers to help them better understand different cultures. Mrs. Stacy Dausse, when asked about the reasons for the Austrian Exchange, says "It could… show them (the students) that there are a lot of things possible outside of Red Bluff and that we have some very unique qualities to our area." They decided an exchange program would be the best way to do this. It started with Italy, mainly because Pelanconi was familiar with the country, but when it turned out to be very successful endeavor, another overseas option was added- Austria! Through a program in Washington D.C., our school's staff was given a direct phone number to the European school, and we have been in partnership with the school Driehackengasse in Graz, Austria, ever since. It was convenient that we found each other; while their school provided a musically enriched cultural experience, which was new and exciting for us, our school provided a real, small-town, American experience which was what Driehackengsse's director was looking for at the time. The first group to go on the trip included the late Mr. Evans as well as several other teachers- since then, Mrs. Dausse, Mrs. Coker, and Mrs. Haase have all played huge roles in producing and organizing the exchange. Today, it has been just as successful. Just the fact alone that it has lasted 20 years says a lot about the stability and success of the whole system. It gives students a chance to navigate, explore, be exposed to a new language and culture, and make deep connections with really different people. It's relatively affordable, and is a comfortable situation for most parents. The vision Mr. Pelanconi and the other Red Bluff High School staff had back in 1995 has really thrived today, so it's good to remember to look back and thank them for the doors that are open to us now. Friday the thirteenth for some unknown reason, is one of the most unlucky days in western culture. The oldest occurrence that gave Friday the thirteenth a bad reputation was back in biblical times. There were thirteen people present for the last supper on Thursday... Jesus was crucified the next day on Friday. Historically, many bad events have taken place on Friday the thirteenth. Buckingham palace was attacked and bombed by the Germans on Friday the thirteenth, Philip IV arrested hundreds of knights of the templar on Friday the thirteenth, as well as many other horrible catastrophes. Twelve is the number of perfection. There are twelve hours on a clock, twelve months in a single year, and there were twelve disciples of Christ. Some superstitions that take place on Friday the thirteenth are if you ever walk under a ladder or if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck for the rest of the day. Ships that set sail late on Friday the thirteenth tend to have bad luck. A child born on Friday the thirteenth will be unlucky for their whole life. If you break a mirror on Friday the thirteenth, you have seven straight years of bad luck. If a hurst passes you, you will be the next person in your family to die. If you ever start any kind of trip on Friday the thirteenth, you will have many problems. In Hispanic and Greek culture Tuesday the thirteenth is a day full of unfortunate. Many people think they must hide indoors all day, while many more believe it is just like any other day. But, even though many horrible events have taken place on these days, it's your choice whether to believe the day is going to be bad or good. SATs and PSATs come to RBHS The Red Bluff Spartans will face the Corning Cardinals in the 34th annual rivalry game. The Tehama County Shootout was founded in 1983, and the rivalry has not gotten any less intense. Corning and Red Bluff have been rivals for many decades and they celebrate the rivalry each year with a huge football game. There will be t h r e e g a m e s , which are the Frosh looking forward to the food at the game. Santillan thinks that Corning will prove victorious with a score of 35-7. Aaron Rodriguez, a member of RBHS JV football team, says "The team is looking forward to the game, we're pretty confident that we will win. We've been putting more effort in practices, but the game is just like our other ones, only with a rivalry involved." Frosh, JV, and Varsity football will be playing at Corning on their home turf. It is likely that the stands will be filled with Corning and Red Bluff students alike, both cheering for the victory of their team. The Varsity team currently has a record of 3-3. They were on a losing streak of three, but soon made up for their losses with a three-game winning streak. Corning High Varsity football's 2017 season has a record of 4-2. Though the thought of having such a close game between two good teams may seem challenging, Red Bluff has a good chance of pulling of a victory for the Spartans. County Shootout to take place at Corning

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