Negocios Now

Especial Hispanidad

Negocios Now is the Hispanic Business Publication in Chicago with National Distribution

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NegociosNow NegociosNow 2 Diciembre 2008 2 Septiembre-Octubre 2017 Negocios Now es una publicación de Nicado Publishing Company, Inc., una empresa comprometida con la calidad editorial. Dirección: 70 W. Madison St. Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60602 Tel: 773-942-7410 NegociosNow se encuentra en proceso de auditoría a través de Circulation Verification Council. NegociosNow NegociosNow Negocios Now en español Todos lo derechos reservados R Clemente Nicado Publisher/Editor Jefe Kelly Yelmene Directora General Elvira Collins Ejecutiva de Ventas Diseño Ron Reason. Diseñador y consultor de diseño y de estrategia editorial - Editor en Inglés: Arianna Hermosillo Editor en Español: Víctor R. Pérez Reporteros Esteban Montero Alejandra López Agencia HINA Fotos: Brian Morowczynski Negocios Now y Cortesías NOTA: Los artículos no pueden ser reproducidos sin la autorización expresa de Nicado Publishing Company, incluyendo los artículos producidos por Hispanic News Agency (HINA), propiedad de la Compañía. Negocios Now en Español es una marca registrada por US Trademark. Serial Number: 77575851 S e supone que el mes de la Hispanidad sea sinó- nimo de festejo por todo lo que representa para Estados Unidos la existencia de la pujante comu- nidad latina. Y sí hay muchas razones para celebrar. Los latinos, según datos del Buró del Censo, suman 56.6 millones, el 17.6 por ciento de la población. También hay mucho que hablar de nuestra alma emprendedora. Existen en el país 4.2 millones de negocios en propiedad de latinos que, en su conjunto, generan ingresos de $1.4 trillones. Estas cifras, por supuesto, envejecen cada minuto. Sin embargo, la celebración del Mes de la Hispanidad, que se extiende del 15 de sep- tiembre al 15 de febrero, estuvo ensombreci- da por una serie de hechos de onda tristeza. Uno de ellos, fue la mala noticia que ya habían recibido los Dreamers (soñadores) de parte del presidente Donald Trump, quien dio un ultimátum de seis meses al Congreso para hallar una solución a más de 800,000 jóvenes inmi- grantes que llegaron a este país de niños con sus padres y hoy viven entre el miedo y la incertidumbre. Poco antes del 15 de septiembre, los huracanes Harvey e Irma hicieron estragos en Houston y una amplia área del Caribe, incluida las islas St. Thomas, Guadalupe y Cuba, así como La Florida. Cuatro días después, un terremoto de 7.1 en la escala de Richter sacudió el centro de México, dejando un sal- do de 369 muertos y una destrucción estimada en miles de millones de dólares. La madre naturaleza dio otro duro golpe con la llegada del huracán María a Puerto Rico, hundiendo en el caos a una Isla que ya sufría de serios problemas fis- cales, pero también creando una gigantesca ola de solidaridad en todo el país. Al cierre de esta edición, otro hecho inespera- do conmovió a toda la nación. Un tirador soli- tario, armado de rifles automáticos, dio muerte a 58 personas inocentes en un concierto de música country celebrado en Las Vegas, ocasio- nando la peor masacre en la historia moderna del país. Lamentablemente, debido a la urgencia de ir a imprenta, no alcanzamos cubrir este último incidente, pero Negocios Now sí pudo recoger en sus páginas los otros acontecimientos cambiando su enfo- que empresarial para mostrar su solidaridad con los damnificados. Al mismo tiempo aprovechamos estas últimas líneas para condenar la tibieza en Washington DC en la promulgación de leyes sobre el control de armas que protejan la vida de ciudadanos inocentes. Clemente Nicado Publisher/Editor Jefe EDITORIAL Un triste mes de la Hispanidad Presentan video de Negocios Now en Convención Nacional Se dice que en Texas todo es gigantesco. Para Negocios Now esta frase tuvo un significado real luego de que la Cámara Hispana de Comercio de Estados Unidos (USHCC) presentara un video de nuestra publicación en la noche de Gala de su convención nacional, ante cientos de ejecutivos de todo el país, en un homenaje único a este medio en ocasión de su 10mo aniversario. It was really, really big, para nuestro equipo que por una década ha trabajado sin tre- gua hasta conseguir de Negocios Now, el medio de negocios latinos más premiado del país. La imagen corresponde a la Edición Especial de Negocios Now-2017 presentada en nuestra Gala de julio pasado y que también fue distribuida en la bolsa de los asistentes al evento, considerado el mayor encuentro de negocios latinos de toda la nación. You can't afford to miss it: IHCC Conference and the USHCC Convention. Pages 19 and 27 NegociosNow NegociosNow La revista inmobiliaria de Negocios Now ...viene pronto Página 13 Tamaño de la cajita del video (para que te des una idea) EN ESTA EDICIÓN Una década ya Con motivo de su 10mo Aniversario, Negocios Now organiza a lo largo del año una serie de actividades para celebrar este parteaguas junto a su comunidad. Hay una manera sencilla de estar al día. Síguenos en negociosnow o visite nuestra pagina ¿Quién es Quién? Esa es la pregunta que desde hace cuatro años lanzamos a la comunidad latina y he aquí la respuesta en esta Edición Especial donde publicamos una lista de más de 170 líderes de la ciudad. Páginas 6-13 y 17-24. ANÚNCIESE EN 773-942-7410 Julio 2017 Another new dream fulfi lled: The fi rst Negocios Now list of the "50 Most Infl uential Latinos." They are lawyers, leaders in fi nance, business and health, legislators, university professors, high-carat entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and commu- nity champions. This unprecedented initiative is in addition to other efforts by this publication to recognize the thriving Latino community with the business profi le book "Así lo hicieron" (2012), "Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago" (2014) and "Latinos 40 Under 40" (2016). This provides more than one reason to celebrate an edition that was born thanks to the strong support of many in the city. Pages 14-16 LET'S CELEBRATE! Una década ya Una década ya A national award-winning publication Vamos a celebrar! Otro nuevo sueño cumplico. La primera lista de Negocios Now de los "50 Latinos más infl uyentes". Son abogados, líderes en fi nanzas, negocios y salud. Legisladores, profesores universitarios, empresarios de altos quilates, ejecutivos en corporaciones y campeones de la comunidad. Esta iniciativa sin precedentes se suma a otros esfuerzos de esta publicación por reconocer la pujante comunidad latina con el libro de perfi les empresariales "Así lo hicieron" (2012); Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago (2014) y "Latinos 40 Under 40 (2016). Así que hay más de una razón para celebrar esta edición que sale a la luz gracias al apoyo desinteresado de muchos la ciudad. Página 14-16. 4 Julio 2017 La realización de eventos para reconocer el liderazgo latino en la ciudad y de networking de Negocios Now reunen a cientos de profesionales y empresarios al año y son hoy parte integral de la estrategia de crecimiento de la publicación. A la "Paella de Negocios Now, lanzada en 2010 en el Cafe Iberico, le siguieron Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago Gala Event (2014) y "Latinos 40 Under 40" (2016), estos dos últimos sin precedentes en la ciudad. Los eventos no solo han ayudado Negocios Now a incrementar su base de apo- yo, sino también una opción adicional a nuestros patrocinadores para conectar directamente con líderes de la comunidad. La Paella, Who's Who y Latinos Under 40 Hosting Negocios Now networking events and those that recognize Latino leadership in the city brings together hundreds of professionals and entrepreneurs a year and are today an integral part of the publication's growth strategy. La Paella de Negocios Now, launched in 2010 at Cafe Iberico, was followed by the Who's Who in Hispanic Chicago Gala Event (2014) and "Latinos 40 Under 40" (2016), the latter two unprecedented in the city. The events have not only helped Negocios Now to increase its base of support, but also created an additional opportunity for our sponsors to connect directly with community leaders. El crecimiento digital En su estrategia de fortalecer su plataforma digital, Nicado Publishing Company inicio el rediseno de para hacer de este sitio más amigable a tono con las tecnología más modernas y el desarrollo de los medios sociales. El nuevo sitio, construido por empresa de tecnología de Chicago y que estará listo en este verano, será diseñado para satisfacer los requerimientos de nuestros patro- cinadores y suscriptores locales y de todo el país. Dominican University fi gura entre las empresas que apoyan la expansión digital de Negocios Now. Digital growth In its quest to strengthen its digital platform, Nicado Publishing Company embarked on the redesign of to make the site more friendly and in keeping with the latest technology and the development of social media. The new site, which is being built by a Chicago technology company and will be ready this summer, will be designed to meet the needs of our sponsors and subscribers locally and across the country. Dominican University ranks among the companies that support the digital expan- sion of Negocios Now. La bendición del Social Media Con el paso de los anos, Negocios Now ha logrado reunir alrededor de 30,000 seguidores en su plataforma de medios sociales, convirtiéndose tam- bién en esta área en la publicación negocios latinos líder en todo el país. Las páginas de Facebook, Linkedin y Twitter, Google+ y otros medios sociales han sido una herramienta invaluable para promover su contenido y conectar con un creciente número de lectores. " I have been a small business owner in Chicago for twenty fi ve years and until Negocios Now there was no information on the Hispanic business community. Negocios Now provides information on the state of the Hispanic business community along with highlighting and featuring the success of the Hispanic business owner. Their unique reporting also provides inspirational background and the track records of some of the most successful businesses in Chicago. Negocios Now helps make new connections and drive business within the Hispanic community." Wil Salvador, founder of Salvador Insurance The Blessing of Social Media Over the years, Negocios Now has brought together about 30,000 followers on social media, becoming in this area, too, the leading Latino business publication nationwide. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+ and other social media networks have been invaluable tools to promote our content and connect with a growing number of readers. Conectado a 30,000 seguidores en Facebook y Linkedin Visit to fi nd more opinions about Negocios Now 10th Anniversary. 6 Julio 2017 BRIAN ORTIZ, President Entity: Trinidad Construction, LLC Website: www. Brian Ortiz founded Trinidad Construction in 2011 specializing in complex projects within occupied facilities. Since then Trinidad clients have included Walgreen's, Nicor/AGL, ComEd/Exelon, Macy's, People's Gas, and Bloomingdale's. Trinidad has completed projects in 10 states and anticipates a national presence in the next few years. HILDA RENTERIA, Partner and Co-Founder Entity: Prado & Renteria Certifi ed Public Accountants Website: www. Hilda Renteria co-founded what has become the largest Hispanic accounting fi rm in Illinois. She is in charge of client services and lends more than 20 years of audit and accounting expertise to the fi rm's practice areas. She offers management consulting, risk assessment, internal control evaluations, fi nancial statement presentations and more. RICHARD "RICK" RIVERA, President Entity: R & G Engineering, LLC Website: www. Richard "Rick" Rivera founded R & G Engineering in 2007 and has grown the fi rm to 25 full- time engineers and support staff whose projects have included the construction management of road and bridge projects, toll plazas, and commuter rail stations. Rivera previously worked at Burns and McDonnell, Cotter Consulting, and Nicor Gas. ROBERT RODRIGUEZ, Ph.D., President Entity: Dr. Robert Rodriguez Advisors LLC www.drradvisors. com Robert Rodriguez leads a diversity consulting fi rm that helps business leaders improve their workplace inclusion initiatives. He specializes in enterprise diversity strategy planning and employee resource group optimization, and he wrote the book, "Latino Talent: Effective Strategies to Recruit, Retain and Develop Hispanic Professionals." RAUL ROSAS BRAVO, Founder Entity: RulisTrucking, Inc. Raul Rosas Bravo owns and operates Rulis Trucking, a family business he founded in 2002, shortly after moving to Illinois. Rulis DAVID R. ANDALCIO, Founder/CEO Entity: Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC Website: www. David Andalcio recently founded Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC, which focuses on information technology integration, warehousing and logistics, professional engineering and professional consulting as well as school district consulting regarding the federal E-Rate Program. He also has experience in manufacturing, systems integration, electrical and real estate. DAN ARCE, President and General Manager Entity: Tropical Optical Website: www. Dan Arce operates the family business that his father, Eusebio, started in 1971 and expanded to multiple stores throughout Chicago. He is a critical member of the Little Village business corridor and known as a pillar in the local Latino community. He has been working at Tropical Optical since he was 14. MARGARET CEJA, CEO Entity: Ideal Fitness Solutions Website: www. Idealfi tsolutions. com Ideal Fitness Solutions is a 100% Woman- Owned, Minority Business Enterprise with the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois. Under Margaret Ceja's leadership, the business offers clients a wide variety of premium cardiovascular and strength- training equipment, fi tness accessories and athletic fl ooring to suit any budget and outfi t any size fi tness facility. CESAR A. DOVALINA Jr., Founder/ President Entity: Cristina Foods, Inc. Website: www. Cesar Dovalina founded Cristina Foods in 1989 out of a used box truck and his garage, knocking on doors and building up a produce route while offering cooking oils and canned goods. In 2011 the company moved to the only LEED Certifi ed-Platinum food distribution facility in the country, in the heart of Back of the Yards. EZEQUIEL FUENTES, Owner and CEO Entity: Mi Tierra Rest South/ El Toro Inc. Website: mitierraenlavillita. com Ezequiel Fuentes is a true entrepreneur, coming to the United States a little more than 20 years ago to work hard and invest wisely as he built an empire. Now he owns 26 restaurants in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, and he recently invested $2.7 million in the iconic Little Village restaurant, Mi Tierra. GUILLERMO GARCIA, Chief Executive Offi cer Entity: GSG Consultants Inc. Website: http:// www.gsg- Guillermo Garcia co-founded GSG in 1992, growing the fi rm from a small environmental services company to a consulting fi rm specializing in engineering, environmental, and construction management services. He has fostered growth through his leadership, vision, and participation in a growing number of markets over 25 years. ALBERTO GONZALEZ, Owner Entity: 90 Miles Cuban Cafe Website: 90milescubancafe. com Cuban born Alberto Gonzalez, owner and president of 90 Miles Cuban Cafe, has been recognized for his grassroots entrepreneurial instincts. His business has fl ourished through waves of recession, making it possible for him to open multiple multimillion-dollar locations in Chicago without any investors or partners besides his wife. JOSÉ JIMÉNEZ, Founder Entity: Carnicerías Jiménez Website: www. carniceriasjimenez. com José Jiménez migrated to the United States at a young age with a vision for building his business, eventually becoming the owner of a small butcher shop in Little Village and expanding from there. Carnicerías Jiménez has grown since 1975 to operate nine full-line supermarkets with in-store bakeries and fast food service. MAYRA KHAN, School Director Nova Driving School Mayra Khan has led the expansion of classroom and behind-the-wheel training programs since she took over as school director in 2009, primarily through partnerships with high schools, corporations, and nonprofi t groups. In the last two years Nova Driving School has been recognized as one of the nation's fastest-growing businesses. HORACIO LOPEZ Jr., President/ CEO, Founder Entity: Pro Data Payroll Services Website: Horacio Lopez Jr., established Pro Data Payroll Services in 1998, growing it into one of the top privately owned payroll processors in the Midwest. He is a Mexican-born, U.S.-raised strategic thinker who challenges traditional ways of conducting business and delivers service excellence together with sustainable results. JOSÉ MALDONADO, Owner Entity: Old Veteran Construction, Inc. Website: www. José Maldonado began developing his construction experience at 16 as a laborer and carpenter, later founding Old Veteran tuck-pointing in 1986, primarily focusing on masonry restoration and rough carpentry. In 1993 his business became Old Veteran Construction, Inc., and he has since become a Certifi ed Minority Contractor. JORGE A. MORENO, President and Owner Entity: CivCon Services, Inc Website: www. CivCon Services, Inc. specializes in program and construction management, civil engineering and environmental consulting services on transportation and institutional projects across Illinois. Mr. Moreno has more than 33 years of civil engineering experience in design, fi eld engineering and program management. JUAN GABRIEL MORENO, President/ Founder Entity: JGMA Website: www. Juan Gabriel Moreno is an award-winning architect who has created provocative architecture in a diverse portfolio of public and private work over 30 years in North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. He was named one of the "100 Colombianos" in 2013 by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos. MIKE MORENO, Founder Entity:Moreno's Liquors Website: www. morenosliquors. com Mike Moreno opened Moreno's Liquors in 1977 in Little Village, growing it into the largest distributor of tequila in the Midwest with more than 642 varieties, while also providing a notable selection of craft beer, fi ne cognacs, whiskeys, mezcals, wine, and more. He has become known for his unique and wide array of products. SARA MUÑOZ- ABRAMOWICZ, CEO Environmental Analysis, Inc. http://eanalysisinc. com/ Sara Muñoz- Abramowicz is the CEO of Environmental Analysis, Inc. and Metro Technology Laboratory, two companies in an industry commonly dominated by men. She founded EAI in 1994 and has since become one of the leading women in environmental consulting. She is committed to mentoring young people interested in the fi eld. GABRIEL NAJERA, President & Chief Executive Offi cer Entity: Najera Consulting Group, Inc. Website: www. najeraconsulting. com Gabriel Najera founded his business in 1999 as a full service, national management consulting fi rm to help leaders of corporations, nonprofi ts, government agencies and universities improve their performance. He spent 20 years at Amoco Corporation, has written numerous articles and is a highly sought-after speaker, facilitator, and trainer. LATINAS IN BUSINESS AWARD BUSINESS More BUSINESS on Page 8 ELIZABETH COLON, President and Founder Entity: Metaphrasis Language and Cultural Solutions, LLC Website: Elizabeth Colón is an author, inspirational speaker, and the CEO of Metaphrasis. She founded the company in 2007 after recognizing a pressing need for accurate and effective translation and interpreting services, especially in situations where any kind of misunderstanding or miscommunication might have serious consequences. As a daughter of parents who speak no English, Colón is able to bring a unique perspective and personal insight to her job. Her innovative approach to language services has been widely commended and has helped Metaphrasis grow into a nationally recognized organization. Colón has won a number of awards from regional and national organizations for her business success and takes seriously her role as a woman in business. She is passionate about providing opportunities to other women so they may see success. She also advocates and participates in an all-volunteer project called THE VOICE OF LOVE, spearheaded by Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma and Cross- Cultural Communications. In 2012, Colón hosted the national VOICE OF LOVE interpreter training at her Intercultural Center in Chicago. This free training series provided interpreters with the specialized skills to support quality services to survivors of torture, trauma and sexual violence. She is a former board member of VOICE OF LOVE and actively involved in the development of the program. She is also co-author of the book, "Today's Inspired Latinas: Life Stories of Success in the Face of Adversity." READ THE COMPLETE BIOS AT NEGOCIOSNOW.COM

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