Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/881906
2 Diversity Rules Magazine October 2017 Inside is Issue (partial listing) A PTSD Memoir ..................................................... Page 3 Can't Let You Go..................................................... Page 4 Professor Marsten ..................................................... Page 7 Amazon Trail ........................................................... Page 11 Next Generation App ............................................... Page 13 Seeing In e Dark .................................................. Page 14 A Life Hidden ......................................................... Page 20 Resources and Diversions ........................................ Page 22 Welcome to the October issue of Diversity Rules Magazine. e year is certainly chugging by fast! It will be a New Year before we know it. is month's feature interview is with "e Hound." e Hound is releasing his debut single, "Can't Let You Go," off his upcoming al- bum. "Can't Let You Go" is elec- tronic pop with a passionate, heart- felt message about the dangers of a toxic love. e Hound talks about his debut single, as well as other is- sues, such as bullying. It is a "don't miss" feature, for sure. October is one of those months that is special to the Queer community. National Coming Out Day is Oc- tober 11th. It is a very important day since it marks a time when folks take a stand for themselves, and pronounce who they truly are. It is a time to stand up and say, "I am special. I am who I am. I usually reprint my coming out story periodically as a bit of encour- agement to those thinking about coming out or who have recently done so. It is reprinted again in this issue on page 22, along with some coming out resources that might be helpful to those embark- ing on their new journey of self- discovery. October is also the month before Election Day! Election races will be gearing up soon. Although this year is an off-year where local elec- tions take precedence, it is still im- portant to get out and vote. Start to take our country back from the GOP, beginning with your local elections. Do not shirk your duty, no matter how boring you may feel the races are. Voting is POWER. Begin to exercise it... PLEASE. We all need you to vote to turn the page on this horrific nightmare we are enduring. See you next month! Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 Oneonta, NY 13820 James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher 607.435.1587 Website www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog diversityrulesmagazine.com/blog E-Mail diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com Copyright 2017 Diversity Rules Magazine All Rights Reserved Disclaimers If you have a question or comment regard- ing this issue or future issues of Diversity Rules Magazine, the publisher would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact Di- versity Rules using the e-mail above or mailing address listed above. Content sub- mission are always welcome too! All submissions become the property of Diversity Rules Magazine. However, origi- nating authors reserve all rights to their creative works. Diversity Rules Magazine's physical offices are located at 189 River Street, Oneonta, NY 13820. Diversity Rules Magazine will not know- ingly publish or advertise text which is fraudulent or misleading. The publisher reserves the right to edit, limit, revise, or reject any text without cause. Diversity Rules Magazine does not assume any fnancial responsibility for typographi- cal errors. If any errors are found, please notify Diversity Rules Magazine immedi- ately. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher. Jim Koury Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine