ML - Michigan Avenue

Michigan Avenue - 2017 - Issue 4 - Fall - LauraLinney

Michigan Avenue - Niche Media - Michigan Avenue magazine is a luxury lifestyle magazine centered around Chicago’s finest people, events, fashion, health & beauty, fine dining & more!

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY WAGSTAFF (NIGHTLIFE); JEFF SCHEAR (PHOTOS, EVENTS) nightlife THE CITY'S SEXIEST ROOFTOPS Our favorite high-up bars you need to see before summer's end. events COME FOLLOW US at We have the inside scoop on Chicago's best pursuits, parties, and more. JOIN US ONLINE photos SEE THE LATEST FROM LAST NIGHT'S EVENTS Couldn't attend? Browse the newest photos from Chicago's most exclusive parties. ASHORE THING 2017 PRESENTED BY BMO HARRIS BANK We recap the best of Ashore Thing 2017, Michigan Avenue magazine's annual celebration of summer.

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