Special Sections

Ag Guide_spring 2016

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Lakeside Organic vegetables fresh seafood and choice Steaks vegetarian and Healthy options at every Meal Taste the difference... Each vegetable on your plate is picked at the peak of freshness from our family-owned Lakeside Organic Gardens. 1970 Freedom Blvd., • Freedom CA 95019 californiagrillrestaurant.com Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Here at Lakeside Organic Gardens, we specialize in year-round quality organic vegetables. Our owner/grower, Dick Peixoto, walks his fields daily to guarantee our 45+ items are held to the highest standard. ORGANIC Vegetables Look for Lakeside Organic Gardens produce near you! The Food Bin Sunnyside Produce Harvested fresh daily from our farms at Lakeside Organic Gardens and delivered directly to your favorite local market or restaurant! FOR US IT'S SECOND NATURE Watsonville, CA www.lakesideorganic.com/local

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