2 sANTA CrUZ WoMAN | sUMMer 2016
When i first moved to santa cruz
about three decades ago, residents
used to boast that we had more
independently owned health food
stores per square mile than any other
town. i don't know if it was true, but
it isn't hard to believe that we have
more health conscious consumers in
santa cruz county than the average
american community. our ideas about
healthcare encompass alternative
practices, the latest scientific
discoveries and social justice issues
about access and sustainability.
Back then, we weren't yet facing
down the national epidemic of
diabetes. the market demand for
locally grown organic produce and
sustainable businesses hadn't become
mainstream and not that many
people were openly talking about
eating disorders, trauma recovery for
law enforcement and home-based
palliative care options for patients
nearing the end of their life.
in this summer issue of santa cruz
Woman, we extend our gratitude to
some of the women in our community
who have made it their life's work to
help us be healthier. they have been
role models, cheerleaders, counselors
and entrepreneurs, offering us new
ways to help ourselves live more fully.
Have a great summer!
Jennifer Pittman
cover photo by Jennifer Pittman