Special Sections

live it up spring 2016

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12 LIVE IT UP! FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016 SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL Countryside Financial Services Receives Award Registered Financial Consultant® Registered Mortgage Advisor California Life Agent #Of20144 BRE #01055168 NMLS #232493 Established in 1978. Donald Dimitruk • 831-464-6464 donald@countrysidefinancial.com YOU CAN SHARE THE DREAM THANK YOU SANTA CRUZ! YOU CAN THE DREAM Serving Santa Cruz for 37 years! It is my great pleasure to be of service to this wonderful community. I am honored to receive this award and grateful to all those who have confidence in me. I am passionate about financial literacy and the idea that greater confidence in our own, personal financial future brings more peace of mind and enjoyment to the retired years. Seniors of today have weathered many financial storms that have had a sad effect on their retirement savings just as their better general health and better medical support is making for a longer life, adding many more retirement years that were not planned for. Many of the "Baby Boom" generation and before had the idea of using the home as a nest egg and paying off the mortgage before retirement. Fortunately, this asset can now be of some financial comfort and accessed through what's known as a "Reverse Mortgage". Safety and liquidity are important. Peace of mind is the goal. Again, My Sincere ank You for this honor. With Gratitude! 2015 BEST OF SANTA CRUZ AWARD PRESENTED BY: Santa Cruz Award Program T he PROBLEM: Many retirees have almost all their wealth "trapped" in the equity of their home but can't get to it unless they sell. They may even want to sell and "right size" to a smaller home with little or no maintenance but won't qualify for a new loan using only retirement income. They would have to sell and use most of their CASH to buy the next place. And to make it worse, they may not be able to afford to stay in the Santa Cruz area close to family and friends, especially with a new house payment, because they just can't afford it! The SOLUTION: Sell the big house, put half of the equity into their retirement plan and use a Reverse Mortgage Purchase Loan to buy the replacement home with no mortgage payment for life! Example: Age 70, Home Value of $650,000, Mortgage of $150,000 with payments of $1,600 per month. Total Trapped Equity of $500,000. At age 70, a $234,000 down payment buys a $500,000 home including closing costs! This leaves over $250,000 to fatten up the retirement nest egg with no mortgage payment for life! The down payment becomes your new equity and all future appreciation is yours too! The RESULT: Freedom from financial stress with a larger, accessible nest egg, a more up-to- date home that suits your physical needs and staying in Santa Cruz, close to family, friends and support. Can this strategy work for you? Please call me and I'll give you your exact, true numbers on the phone based on your date of birth, value of your present home and any existing mortgage. Does this sound too good to be true? It's better than that! By Donald Dimitruk, RFC ®, RMA Scramble the Nest Egg! Downsize, Increase Your Retirement Fund and Afford to Stay in Santa Cruz, All With One Program Donald Dimitruk is a Registered Financial Consultant® and a Registered Mortgage Advisor and is available for a free consultation about how a reverse mortgage may benefit you at Countryside Financial Services, 831-464-64640.

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