Tehama - The Magazine

Spring 2012

Tehama - The Magazine - Red Bluff Daily News

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This is a special publication of — DAILYNEWS RED BLUFF TEHAMACOUNTY T H E V O I C E O F T E H A M A C O U N T Y S I N C E 1 8 8 5 Publisher Greg Stevens Editor Chip Thompson Production Manager Sandy Valdivia Design Sandy Valdivia, Chip Thompson 545 Diamond Ave., Red Bluff, CA 96080 (530) 527-2151 www.redbluffdailynews.com The trail head for Lassen Peak starts in the parking lot at the summit of the highway through Lassen Volcanic National Park. Below: Markers are installed at the top of each peak. Due to a higher starting point and its geography, Lassen includes sweeping views of the Devastated Area and a sparse, rocky expanse. For much of the hike you'll enjoy views of Brokeoff Mountain and the rest of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Copies available at the Red Bluff Daily News Extra copies are also available at the Red Bluff Chamber of Commerce 24/7 presence online for 6 months. Digital version posted on www.redbluffdailynews.com Online viewers can 'turn pages' on digital edition and click through direct to advertisers' websites! 4 Tehama - the Magazine, May, 2012 underestimate because it is not as high as Lassen. Remember, Brokeoff is more than 2 miles longer with about 700 feet greater elevation gain. You'll need a few bottles of water and something to eat. The extra time at lower ele- vation means you'll dehydrate faster on hot days. Both peaks are con- sidered strenuous climbs, but a reasonably fit hiker with proper hik- ing shoes or boots should have no trouble reaching the top. It's important to carry plenty of water and a bit of food to keep your energy up. This is particularly important on Brokeoff, which some mistakenly The climbs On a clear day, Mt. Shasta towers to the north. It may be hard to believe when the mer- cury is approaching 100 degrees in Red Bluff, but you will probably be cold by the time you get to the top of either peak. Make sure to pack an extra layer or two. Reaching the top of Lassen takes you across a few sizable snow patches that can be very slippery. Take your time and carry a walking stick to aid your balance. Plan your time Brokeoff Mountain can take 5-7 hours and Lassen Peak

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