Special Sections

Readers Choice 2015

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SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL READERS CHOICE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2016 3 President & Publisher Gary Omernick 831.706.3228 gomernick@sant acruzsentinel.com Advertising Director Steve Bennett 831.429.2416 sbennett@santacruzsentinel.com Circulation Director Mardi Browning Shiver 706.3265 mbrowning@santacruzsentinel.com SCS Sales Team Ray Klopp Susie Ronzano Cherie La France-Anderson Emily Burton Section Design Greg Borrego Digital Support/Voting Portal Emma Massingill facebook.com/scsentinel @scsentinel Santa Cruz County is such a fun place to live, work and play. We have everything at our fingertips especially when it comes to homegrown businesses. Santa Cruzans are proud of their small independent nature and this years Readers Choice winners prove that. We've had many discussions around the office (usually around 11:30) as to what is everyone's favorite sushi, burrito or hamburger. When it was time to launch our readers choice voting portal in December, we were all eager to hear how our choices stacked up against yours....and as a result, we found some new places to try. One thing that makes some of our categories fun and unique as opposed to other markets are the beach related categories like favorite dining spot to watch the surfers or best chowder in town. These are badges of honor for some of the winners and they look forward to the results each year. I also loved some of the personal ones like favorite bartender or server. If you have a suggestion or thought for next years readers choice, we would love to hear from you. Just know that in order for it to be considered, it needs somewhat of a wide appeal that the nominee isn't the only one in town that does that service. (please don't ask me to add best Emu rancher in Santa Cruz) Hope you enjoy as much as we did, and thanks for reading... and voting! T he Best of 2015! Steve Bennett sbennett@santacruzsentinel.com

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