Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
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2 Diversity Rules Magazine March 2016 My Two Cents By Jim Koury, Editor Inside is Issue (partial listing) A PTSD Memoir .............................................. Page 3 Love Lost and Found ........................................ Page 4 He is a Bully ...................................................... Page 6 Saving Delaney .................................................. Page 8 Sexiest Prime Minister ...................................... Page 9 Diary of a Black Man ........................................ Page 10 Amazon Trail .................................................... Page 11 Love Wins Dating ............................................ Page 13 Resources and Diversions .................................. Page 22 Welcome to the March issue of Di- versity Rules Magazine. e year is slowing slipping away from us but one good thing -- Spring will soon be here! is month's issue features José Rolón and Alex Gray. Jose and Alex are gay dads with adopted kids. However, Alex was not Jose's initial partner. Jose was married to Tim Merrell. Tim unexpectedly died of a heart attack and left Jose as a single dad with their son Avery. Jose met Alex about a year after Tim died. is month's feature is about Jose and Alex's journey together as gay dads. Jose and Alex' story is not unlike many gay couples, both men and women, who have adopted chil- dren. ere stories are chronicled at GayWtihKids.com. I would encourage you to check out the website and find out more about it and those folks that have hap- pily adopted children as same sex couples. ere is also a feature about Kes- ton and Andréa Ott-Dahl. ey are the founders of the Delaney Ott-Dahl Foundation (www.Del- aneyOtt-DahlFoundation.org), a non-profit organization that ad- vocates for early intervention and offers resources for families expect- ing special needs children. Keston also blogs about their amazing gift of a daughter at www.delaneyskye. com. ere are also a lot of other great features in the March issue. Please consider subscribing and check ev- erything out! Included in this issue as well is ad- vertising information. We would welcome your advertising support! I hope you enjoy the issue. See you next month! Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 Oneonta, NY 13820 James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher 607.435.1587 Website www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog www.diversityrulesmagazine.blogspot.com E-Mail generalinfo@diversityrulesmagazine.com Copyright 2016 Diversity Rules Magazine All Rights Reserved Disclaimers If you have a question or comment regard- ing this issue or future issues of Diversity Rules Magazine, the publisher would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact Di- versity Rules using the e-mail above or mailing address listed above. Content sub- mission are always welcome too! All submissions become the property of Diversity Rules Magazine. However, origi- nating authors reserve all rights to their creative works. Diversity Rules Magazine's physical offices are located at 189 River Street, Oneonta, NY 13820. Diversity Rules Magazine will not know- ingly publish or advertise text which is fraudulent or misleading. The publisher reserves the right to edit, limit, revise, or reject any text without cause. Diversity Rules Magazine does not assume any fnancial responsibility for typographi- cal errors. If any errors are found, please notify Diversity Rules Magazine immedi- ately. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher.