The Good News

January 2016

The Good NEws - Fayetteville, NC

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Tiffany Whitfield Vote For Tiffany Whitfield Tiffany Whitfield, a candidate for District Court Judge, is a prosecutor in the Cumberland County District Attorney's Office. She has successfully prosecuted criminal cases in District and Superior Court. She's also an experienced criminal defense attorney, helping to keep her fair and bal- anced in the courtroom. Being a native of Fayetteville and an E.E. Smith Alumni, she understands our community and the issues encountered. Many people have interac- tions with our courts on a daily basis, from traffic citations, divorces, to serious felonies. She believes every person and their loved ones have the right to know they will be treated fairly, and with dignity when they stand before the judge no matter the charge. Navigating the legal system can be a scary process for some, but the judge helps to set the tone of the courtroom. When voting for your next judge, it doesn't solely mat- ter how long a person has practiced law. What is real- ly important is that the candidate knows the law and understands the daily challenges the average person faces. Her experience and exposure to various areas of law gives her a solid foundation. However, her passion to serve Cumberland County families makes her the right choice! MARCH 15, 2016 FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE CUMBERLAND COUNTY DISTRICT COURT JUDGE

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