Diversity Rules Magazine

November 2015

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/594759

Contents of this Issue


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2 Diversity Rules Magazine November 2015 My Two Cents By Jim Koury, Editor Inside is Issue (partial listing) David-Elijah Nahmod ...................................... Page 3 An Interview with Jonathan Crutchley ............. Page 4 Kristen MacKenzie ........................................... Page 9 Honoring Leonard Matlovich .......................... Page 10 Amazon Trail .................................................... Page 11 e Surface ....................................................... Page 14 Long Island Wineries ....................................... Page 16 Heading to Kauai .............................................. Page 17 Resources and Diversions .................................. Page 22 Welcome to the November issue of Diversity Rules Magazine! is month's feature is a provocative topic but one that must be discussed and brought into the light of day. Diversity Rules Magazine welcomes Jonathan Crutchley. Crutchley is a founding partner and owner of the world's largest gay brands that in- cludes Manhunt and Jack'd. He has joined the advisory board of e Na- tional Coalition of Rent Boys & Al- lies, an organization advocating for the legal rights of male escort work- ers. e group formed in response to the August 25th raid on Rentboy.com in New York City by the NYPD and Homeland Security. Federal agents joined the NYPD in shutting down Rentboy on the asser- tion that Rentboy was using interstate commerce to violate local New York laws. Mr. Crutchley is not alone in believ- ing that federal agents violated the constitutional rights of U. S. citizens. e editorial board of e New York Times even called the raid "peculiar." Diversity Rules Magazine also joins Mr. Crutchley and the many oth- ers who believe the Department of Homeland Security overstepped its authority with its participation in this unwarranted and capricious raid on Rentboy.com. e federal government and society generally, need to end its Victorian pre-occupation with sex and get out of the bedrooms of Americans. It is also time to stop the persecution of sex workers and join the ranks of those countries that have legalized prostitu- tion and other forms of employment derived from the pleasures of sex. We must defend individual privacy and sexual freedom at all costs. It is time to stop judging others and recognizing that all folks have rights no matter what they choose to do to earn a living. Prostitution is one of the world's oldest professions and we are never going to stop it from hap- pening no matter how many arrests are made and legitimate businesses such as Rentboy.com are shut down. ere are much more important is- sues to dwell on. Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 Oneonta, NY 13820 James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher 607.435.1587 Website www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog www.diversityrulesmagazine.blogspot.com E-Mail generalinfo@diversityrulesmagazine.com Copyright 2015 Diversity Rules Magazine All Rights Reserved Disclaimers If you have a question or comment regard- ing this issue or future issues of Diversity Rules Magazine, the publisher would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact Di- versity Rules using the e-mail above or mailing address listed above. Content sub- mission are always welcome too! All submissions become the property of Diversity Rules Magazine. However, origi- nating authors reserve all rights to their creative works. Diversity Rules Magazine's physical offices are located at 189 River Street, Oneonta, NY 13820. Diversity Rules Magazine will not know- ingly publish or advertise text which is fraudulent or misleading. The publisher reserves the right to edit, limit, revise, or reject any text without cause. Diversity Rules Magazine does not assume any fnancial responsibility for typographi- cal errors. If any errors are found, please notify Diversity Rules Magazine immedi- ately. Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without writ- ten permission from the publisher.

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