ZZZ - GMG - VEGAS INC 2011-2014

March 12, 2012

VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more

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Contents of this Issue


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MARCH 12, 2012 / YOUR BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS WEEKLY SPECIAL FOCUS A BIG HAND FOR SMALL BUSINESS Miguel Jimenez is co- owner of Bagel Bagel. The company, with 18 employees, supplies bagels to 90 percent of the Strip hotels, including all MGM Resorts' properties. STEVE MARCUS This month, VEGAS INC highlights the small-business community BROUGHT TO YOU BY BANK OF NEVADA NAIOP LEADER SAYS OUTLOOK IS IMPROVING vegas inc staff It's not exactly news that a number of trade and service associations suffered membership drops during the economic downturn. And it should be no surprise that real estate-based organizations were among the hardest hit. So it makes sense that MAKING THE BIG-TIME HOW A SMALL BUSINESS CAN GET DEAL WITH THE MAJOR PLAYERS By Richard N. Velotta It isn't easy for a small business to become a supplier to one of Southern Nevada's major companies, but it is possible. ¶ Just ask Miguel Jimenez. ¶ Given the opportunity to take the reins of a small retail bakery, Jimenez decided in 2003 to branch out and supply bagels to the Studio Café at the MGM Grand. ¶ Today, Jimenez's small company, Bagel Bagel, provides bagels for every restaurant in MGM Resorts International's Southern Nevada resort properties. FOURSQUARE MARKETING ON RISE IN VEGAS By Ron Sylvester staff writer The Minus 5 Ice Bar is as cold as its name would imply, but visitors to the establishment can get a free fur coat rental by checking into three venues at Mandalay Bay on Foursquare. Mandalay Bay is the latest resort to offer deals for multiple check-ins on the location-based social network. The Mirage and New York-New York also have rolled out Foursquare badges during the past week. Circus Circus, Luxor and MGM Grand are finalizing agreements with Foursquare for their own badges, said Nick Mattera, social media manager for MGM Resorts SEE FOURSQUARE, PAGE 20 SEE BUSINESS, PAGE 16 INSIDE TODAY BANK NOTES | P. 14 News tidbits from the Las Vegas banking and finance community MOB BOSS | P. 7 Mob Attraction Las Vegas consultant talks about the operation's makeover THE LIST | P. 24 Biggest commercial real estate brokerages Nagy the 2012 president of the Southern Nevada chapter of NAIOP — more formally known as the Commercial Real Estate Development Association — recognizes the importance of conveying what the organization has to offer industry professionals, and why its monthly breakfasts still attract key players in the business community. "There are so many industry leaders in one place," said Kyle Nagy, who succeeded Sallie Doebler as president SEE NAGY, PAGE 6

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