Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/56884
March 2012 My Two Cents by Jim Koury, Editor tion back in print form as well. Stay tuned! Welcome to the March is- sue of Diversity Rules Mag- azine! This issue is a mile- stone, as it is the one year anniversary of the return of Diversity Rules Magazine, albeit digitally. I am hon- ored and humbled at the response and feedback re- ceived, which just prompts me all the more to continue my quest to get the publica- I am really excited to have Sally Hall, the founder of That'sSoGayLIVE, the Queer news and entertainment network, featured in this month's issue. I have been interacting with Sally on and off during the past year or so. We have reconnected and are partnering togeth- er to bring both our messages to the masses through a much more interactive, visual mode throuth the use of video streams and other neat avenues, yet to be unveiled. Through ThatsSoGayLIVE, the community puts together LGBT news reports around their cities, PLUS, anyone can create or sub- mit their own show in order to be part of the ThatsSoGayLive media broadcasting net- work. If you are interested in being part of the That'sSoGayLIVE team, please don't hesitate to contact Sally at thatssogaylive@gmail.com or contact me and I will put you in touch with her. I would like to thank my regular monthly writ- ers for continuing to contribute their creative genius to Diversity Rules Magazine: Terry Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 James R. Koury, Editor/Founder 607.432.1179 Website: www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog: www.diversityrulesmagazine.blogspot.com E-Mail: info@diversityrulesmagazine.com Copyright 2012 Diversity Rules Magazine Two Oneonta, NY 13820 Lugwig (Keep Up Now), Milton Wendland (Inqueeries), Robert Hoffman, Chad Justin Czelusniak, Lee Lynch (The Amazon Trail), Donny Winter, and Tarringo Vaughn (Flex- writers Creative Network). I'd like to welcome Martin Belk, expat New Yorker. writer, monologuist, university lectur- er, polemic, activist, former producer, Squee- zebox, with his column "Room For a View." Martin comes to Diversity Rules from the United Kingdom. I know you will enjoy his writings as much as I do. Also included in this issue are also some com- pelling and interested additional features: Gemma Perkins, and the mpact of DOMA on bi-national families; a review of Tom Judson's book, "Laid Bare" as well as a review of Justin Utley's new CD entitled, "Nothing This Real." There are also reviews of two great movies, "Jitters" and "The Lavender Scare." Movies you don't want to miss! Last, I am proud to be an active media spon- sor of the 2012 Worldwide Civil Rights March scheduled for April 21st all across the globe. It is an exciting time to be queer thats' for sure! Equality is within our grasp. We can never let up in our effort to continue to forge ahead. For more information on the worldwide marches go to: www.letsreachonemillionpeople.com/ civil_rights_march_12.html. The April issue will have more details on loca- tions and schedules. Stay tuned and watch the website and Facebook page for more informa- tion as it unfolds. Peace out for now and live your dream! Featured in this issue: Cover Story: Sally Hall Terry Ludwig: Keep Up Now Robert Hoffman: Deal Breakers Milton Wendland: Inqueeries Chad J. Czelusniak: Let Me Get This Straight Tom Judson: Laid Bare Lee Lynch: Butches Night Out Nothing Is Real: A CD by Justin Utley Martin Belk: Room For A View Tarringo Vaughn: These Are Not My Tears Donny Winter: Bridges Queer Resource Directory