Today's Entertainment

December 04, 2011

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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The Brainerd Dispatch TV WeekTV W December 4 - 10, 2011 When you want to fi nd out what's happening in the Brainerd Lakes Area Go to: BRAINERDLAKES CALENDAR of events lakes area CALENDAR of events lakes area Welcome to the Brainerd Lakes Area's most comprehensive calendar! Check out these new sections: Events, Movies, Restaurants, Venues & Performers. Promote your business/event "A Michael Buble Christmas" airs Tuesday on NBC. It's simple, just log onto click on Submit an event, for FREE!2 x 5.5" ad Preferred Hearing and follow the step-by-step directions. Getting the word out has never been easier! .com 2 x 2" ad Good Neighbor 6 x 3" ad Esssention Health

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