The O-town Scene

November 24, 2011

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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Derailing Darlings dazzle in first home bout Erin Foley-Reynolds, an Oneonta roller derby participant who did some announcing instead of skating in the group's first home bout Friday night, gives a re-cap of the event Friday night, Nov. 18, the site and sound of skates thundered through Interskate 88 as Oneonta's first women's roller derby team, the Derailing Darlings, faced off with the Central New York Roller Derby Red Hots of Utica. Despite a loss with a final score of 109-152, the Darlings entertained and en- tralled the massive crowd. Just a year since the team's creation, Friday night's bout highlighted the Darlings' skill at infusing spectacle with sport. "It exceeded everyone's expectations," Darlings' assistant captain Gold Schlaugh- ter said. "Even though we are a very young team, Friday's performance showed how far we have come and it's just very exciting to be a part of roller derby coming to Oneonta." With well over 400 tickets sold, and a reported attendance of more than 600, fan and bout announcer Aaron Chapin shared Schlaughter's enthusiasm. "Roller Derby has become Oneonta's No. 1 sport. It was the best turnout I've ever seen for an event in Oneonta." With its fast-paced skating and strategic aggression, it is no surprise that roller derby has become a nationwide sensation. Interskate 88 owner Eric Nelson was thrilled with the turnout and eager to host more bouts in Oneonta. "It was a fantastic success. The girls did a great job repre- senting women's roller derby." There is no question that the derailing darlings have unapologetically announced their arrival in this sport. For more information about the Derailing Darlings and how to get involved, visit or find the team on Facebook by searching for Oneonta Roller Derby. Photos by Walter Romero 6 O-Town Scene Nov. 23, 2011

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