ZZZ - GMG - VEGAS INC 2011-2014

October 03, 2011

VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/43679

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RIGHT NOW LAS VEGAS POWER TWEETS Pick 'Em Get smart INSURANCE Power Lunch @MicahBleecher 'Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than You." -Dr. Seuss'" The Numbers .com Buy high Sell low VEGASINCmag Executive class Read this! T THE SHOT HEART AND POLE Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and The Black Eyed Peas — oh my! The iHeartRadio festival at MGM Grand's arena rocked out Sept. 23-24, and it made quite a bit of money. Tickets to the show sold out in just 10 minutes. And with Lady Gaga's awesome moves on stage, it's easy to see why. photography by Steve Marcus Pick 'Em Get smart Power tweets Overheard Done Deal NOW SERVING Tiffany Rose LAS VEGAS Thomas OWNER, LUCKY CAT TATTOO @tiffanyluckycat I really need to figure out a way to go to sleep before 4am. Way too busy. Well shall we count? Red Bull #1. Have a wonderful day! Xoxo! Vegas then VEGASinc2021 Gate keeper ? ? ? ? ? ! The innovator FortuneCookie $ Grilled The Survivor Ricky D. Gourrier PROFESSOR, UNLV Power Lunch The Numbers .com Buy high Sell low VEGASINCmag Executive class Sin City Media Chatter We hear EXECUTIVE CLASS MAGIC'S IN THE DETAILS YOUR AD HERE Read this! The Pitch is back NOW SERVING LAS VEGAS Vegas then VEGASinc2021 ? ? ? ? ? ! The innovator FortuneCookie MEET ARON EZRA: TOP TECHIE 95 Gate keeper American dream $ Grilled The Survivor Aron Ezra, vice president of mobile technologies at Bally Technologies, is new to Las Vegas, but this high-tech guy is already making a big impact. Formerly CEO of MicroView Labs in San Francisco, Ezra specializes in mobile apps and technologies. Ezra spoke with VEGAS INC about why he's excited to be one of Las Vegas' top new businessmen. Moonlighting @RGourrier So happy I paid the $5 to have internet on this plane ride to New Orleans. I will be sure to get my facebook fix on this trip. #LAS2MSY Kate Morrison ECOMMERCE MANAGER, THE PALMS CASINO RESORT @LVKate I am so over football season. I prefer to think of it as reality season. I mean, there are two housewives on simultaneously. — Erin Dostal What was your first job? I was an entrepreneur from a young age. I juggled mowing lawns and many paper routes and selling things door-to-door when I was 15. What was your worst job? Working at the dining hall during college. I had to wear a hair net, and the other students weren't terribly nice. What's the best advice your mom gave you? Treat everyone like a peer. I think that's been good advice that's served me well. What's your business philosophy? Just instill a sense that anything is possible, and a sense of personal responsibility. One of the things that attracted me to Bally is that the people really cared about what they were doing. We need to be constantly thinking about what we can do better. t smart Power tweets Overheard What's your favorite high-tech toy? I'm the big nerd who walks around with an Done Deal Numbers c.com YOUR AD HERE ASINCmag Executive class Read this! The Pitch is back Sin City Media Chatter We hear THE PITCH IS BACK "NEW LIFE. NEW HOME. THE NEW SOUTHWEST." — BILLBOARD ON I-15 FOR MOUNTAIN'S EDGE NOW SERVING AS VEGAS 95 ASinc2021 Gate keeper American dream 6 | 3 OCTOBER 2011 | Heidi Harris RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, KDWN @heidiharrisshow Gingrich just won't play along, will he? Mason Workman INSURANCE BROKER iPhone and a Droid phone and a Galaxy Tab and my iPad. I think my favorite toy as a kid were called Construx, which were sort of like Legos. From them, you could really create any toy you wanted. I look at tech the same way. What's your most valuable possession? My computer. What's your favorite vacation spot? Probably the Maldives. It's how I imagine the world used to be. What do you miss most about living in San Francisco? The walkability. I actually had to buy a car when I moved here because I didn't need one in San Francisco. I bought a Prius. What two albums would you want with you on a desert island? Something by Radiohead and something by Bob Dylan. What's the movie you could watch over and over again and never tire of? "The Lord of the Rings" movies. What's your impression of Las Vegas so far? I love it. This is a city full of forward-thinking people. People are friendly. My wife and our baby on the way are excited to be here. @MasonWorkman1 I've seen more high end exotics sold in a single Friday afternoon at Manheim. John Bakie AUTHOR @BakieJohn @LasVegasSun Thank you for following me and for the news coverage you provide our community. #Vegas 95 American dream Mo Power tweets Micah Bleecher OWNER, BLEECHER Sin City Media Chatter Overheard D

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