ZZZ - GMG - VEGAS INC 2011-2014

October 03, 2011

VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/43679

Contents of this Issue


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Pick 'Em ANSWER THIS! Get smart Power tweets Overheard Done Deal Get involved: Go to VEGASINC.com and vote Power Lunch The Numbers inc.com Sin City Media Chatter We hear Buy high Sell low VEGASINCmag WILL MACAU LEARN FROM LAS VEGAS , OR DEPEND SOLELY ON GAMBLING? YOUR AD HERE Executive class Read this! The Pitch is back NOW SERVING LAS VEGAS 95 Vegas then VEGASinc2021 Gate keeper American dream 36% 48% 16% YES NO Pick 'Em Get smart Power tweets Overheard Done Deal Power Lunch The Numbers inc.com YOUR AD HERE Buy high Sell low VEGASINCmag Executive class Read this! The Pitch is back THE NUMBERS Sin City Media Chatter We hear NOW SERVING LAS VEGAS 95 Vegas then VEGASinc2021 Gate keeper American dream 28-16 1 in 5 UNLV football's win-loss record in home-opener games Ratio of American children who live in poverty EIGHT Sheldon Adelson's ranking on Forbes' list of the 400 wealthiest Americans "I'VE NEVER BEEN TO EGYPT. THE CLOSEST I'VE GOTTEN IS THE LUXOR HOTEL AND CASINO IN LAS VEGAS, WHICH IS BETTER THAN THE REAL EGYPT, BECAUSE THE LUXOR HAS CARROT TOP SIX NIGHTS A WEEK." — CRAIG FERGUSON ON LAS VEGAS' CULTURAL OFFERINGS illustration by CHRIS MORRIS exclusively for VEGAS INC | 3 OCTOBER 2011 | 168,000 Approximate number of vacant homes in Nevada, nearly twice as many as there were in 2000 5 DON'T KNOW *Exclusive poll conducted from 21 Sept to 28 Sept 2011

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