VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more
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3 october 2011 // // phone 702.990.2545 // fax 702.383.7264 A business publicAtion of l AsvegA EDITORIAL publisher Brian Greenspun editor at large Bruce spotleson assistant managing editor/business ric anderson associate editor erin dostal senior staff writers dave Berns // steve Green // richard n. velotta copy chief ellen WaGer digital editor delen GoldBerG special publications editor roB lanGrell editorial assistants caitlyn Belcher // lianna sapien research librarian reBecca clifford-cruz office coordinator nadine Guy contributing editors J. patrick coolican // april corBin // anJeanette damon // karoun demirJian matt hufman // dana Gentry // tom Gorman // John katsilometes david mcGrath schWartz // conor shine // michael squires // aBBy teGnelia // emma trotter ART & DEsIgn creative director rachel perkins designers JakoB mccarthy // dave mondt // craiG peterson illustrator chris morris staff photographers christopher devarGas // steve marcus // sam morris // leila navidi ADvERTIsIng & MARkETIng online media director donn Jersey special events director paula pettit strategic partnership manager michael uriarte social media marketing manager Janice van Gorder client development director colin thompson account managers lindsay BelleGante // Guy Bertuzzi // sara Brecht // eJ cutliff ii // vince durocher Julie eaGer // diana filipescu // rose Gervais // zoe Gillespie // Jeff hatch Bessy lee // roByn mathis // christina melBourne // mark de pooter ashley terrell // BridGet WriGht account coordinator sue sran marketing coordinator kristin Wilson email marketing coordinators stacy JacoBs // John Bartlett graphic designers michelle hamrick // sean rademacher sales assistants kashmir dixon // karen parisi marketing intern ashley Brilman PRODucTIOn & DIsTRIbuTIOn production director maria Blondeaux production supervisor paul huntsBerry production manager Blue uyeda traffic supervisor estee WriGht traffic coordinator kristine komorny circulation director ron Gannon route manager randy carlson fulfillment manager doris hollifield gREEnsPun MEDIA gROuP president & chief executive officer Brian Greenspun chief content officer roB curley managing editor tom Gorman Volume 12, Issue 18 veGas inc (issn no. 1530-1575), 2360 corporate circle, third floor henderson, nv 89074 is puBlished each monday except the last monday of the year By Greenspun media Group periodicals postaGe paid at henderson nv and at additional mailinG offices. postmaster: send address changes to: veGas inc Greenspun media Group 2360 corporate circle, third floor henderson, nv 89074 702.990.2545 for inquiries, write to: veGas inc, 2360 corporate circle, third floor, henderson, nv 89074. for back copies: doris hollifield at 702.990.8993 or e-mail at for subscriptions: call 800.254.2610, or visit for annual suBscriptions, $50. for sinGle copies, $3.99. on the cover photo illustration By chris morris via istock and perry-castaƱeda map collection JOIN US IN CELEBRATING OUR EVERYDAY HEROES The American Red Cross is proud to recognize the heroes in our community who have performed extraordinary acts to help others in need. In recognition of these heroic acts, the American Red Cross will host a breakfast reception on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 7:30am at Paris Las Vegas Hotel. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2011 7:30AM PARIS LAS VEGAS HOTEL TO ATTEND: Name Your Own Price. ($100 minimum suggested donation. RSVP required) FOR SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Contact Kathy Garrood at (702) 369-3674. For more information (702) 369-3674 or visit