Diversity Rules Magazine

October 2011

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/43510

Contents of this Issue


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October 2011 My Two Cents by Jim Koury, Editor Welcome to the October issue of Diversity Rules Magazine! I am thrilled to have "the first lady of gay and lesbian comedy," Kate Clinton, as the feature cov- er story. It truly is an honor to have been able to chat with her for the interview. I hope you enjoy what Kate has to say! The October issue is also filled with other in- teresting articles and features. As usual, Terry Ludwig has written a subperb article about "change." Diversity Rules Magazine just would not be the same without Terry gracing its pages spreading the good word of love and happi- ness, and becoming connected to the power of the universe. Robert Hoffman returns with another install- ment of his column entitled, "Gaycation Pack- ing," as well as Lee Lynch with the Amazon Trail, entitled, "The Butch Sewing Kit." I thank both of these remarkable writers for jo- ing the Diversity Rules Magazine family! The issue also includes entertainment news, and some cool movie, book and art features. Diversity Rules also welcomes a wonderful art- ist named James Seymour, with his "Mirrors" collection. You'll love Jim's work! The October issue also includes an article about Coming Out Day. Coming Out Day is an annual event that occurs on October 11th each year. The day was founded by Dr. Rob- Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 James R. Koury, Editor/Founder 607.432.1179 Website: www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog: www.diversityrulesmagazine.blogspot.com E-Mail: info@diversityrulesmagazine.com Copyright 2011 Diversity Rules Magazine Two Oneonta, NY 13820 ert Eichberg and Jean O'Leary in 1988, in celebration of the Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights one year earlier, in which 500,000 people marched on Washington, DC for gay and lesbian equal- ity. Keeping with the spirit of Terry's article about change, embrace change and make a decision to change your life on October 11th and come ouf of your closets! As the t-shirt I have says, "Closets are for Clothes." I encourage you to take charge of your des- tiny! Your destiny cannot unfold until you have found your true you. I am hopeful that you decide to make this year's National Com- ing Out Day YOUR freedom day; the day you took charge of who you really are and began to outwardly manifest that true persona. Make it the day you cast off your fabricated façade that you have so carefully constructed for so many years. Come out, come out wherever you are! You will not regret it! Last, I would like to thank Sam Babbish for de- signing the new magazine masthead and web- site logo. It's a great addition and the editor appreciates his efforts very much. Stay tuned for a website facelift as well! Changes are a coming! Need a speaker for your event! Contact Jim Koury at: editor@diversityrulesmagazine.com Featured in this issue: Cover Story: Kate Clinton Terry Ludwig: Keep Up Now Robert Hoffman: Opening Lines Queer Nation: A New Release by Elephant The Poet's Corner Gone -- A Movie by Miranda Sadjak Sweet Like Sugar -- Wayne Hoffman Lee Lynch: The Butch Sewing Kit Mirrors by James Seymour Coming Out Day -- October 11th LGBTQ Depression Survey Queer Resource Directory

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