Today's Entertainment

December 7, 2014

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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December 7 - 13, 2014 Nerd alert Rebecca Romijn stars in "The Librarians" TVWeek - Story on page 2 - 001112429r1 00 Chad Schwendeman Broker/Owner 218-454-EXIT (3948) Johnson Centre 14275 Golf Course Drive Suite 210 Baxter, MN 56425 ATTENTION HOMEBUYERS For 24 Hour Recorded Information & Addresses Simply Dial 1-800-374-9212 & Enter the 4 digit code. LAKE SHORE Ext. 3047 NISSWA Ext. 2157 DEERWOOD Ext. 1197 VERNDALE Ext. 2967 BRAINERD Ext. 2947 PEQUOT LAKES Ext. 2537 SIBLEY LAKE Ext. 1907 BAXTER Ext. 1927 If your hearing isn't what it used to be, here's what you can do about it... 1-800-458-0895 or visit Contact us Today For All Your Hearing Aid Needs 1-800-458-0895 17274 State Hwy 371, Brainerd ■ 117 W. Main St., Crosby (Mid MN Federal Building) Ideal Business Center just east of Pequot Lakes City Hall on C.R. 11 Email us at: GOOD COMMUNICATION, IT BECOMES YOU You'll Like What You Hear 001099642r1 ~ Luxury Senior Living At Affordable Prices ~ Find us on 218-828-4770 - 14211 Firewood Drive, Baxter, MN CALL FOR A TOUR TODAY! 001174085r1

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