Special Sections

Readers Choice 2014

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Wait; There's More to Come - Santa Cruz Sentinel's Readers' Choice Food and Wine BY LISA WATSON Sentinel correspondent In this new age of custom and craft, artisan and organic, we understand that Santa Cruz has a long-standing tradition of homemade and hand-harvested, of eco-friendly and specialized service. And our readers know it, too, as evidenced by your en- thusiastic online turn-out to vote for our annual Readers' Choice awards! In 120 categories of service, among them best doctor, den- tist, pediatrician, pharmacy, best bank, credit union, real estate of- fice, best art gallery, jewelry store, men's and women's clothiers, best car dealer, health food store, toy store and more, thousands of online ballots were cast to pick your winners among them. Your enthusiasm even caused several ties for first place. You will notice that absent among our array of categories is food and wine. We didn't forget these categories. On the contrary, they are so specialized and so im- portant to this area of true craft wines and artisan food, that we have elected to host a separate Readers' Choice award voting just for Food and Wine, and pub- lish a dedicated section of your favorites early next year. We an- ticipate opening our online poll- ing in early January. So eat, drink and be ready to cast your vote for Santa Cruz's favorite food and wine. SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL READER'S CHOICE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 3 President & Publisher Gary Omernick 831.706.3228 gomernick@sant acruzsentinel.com Vice President of Advertising Dan Krolczyk 831.726.4343 dkrolczyk@santacruzsentinel.com Sales Manager Susan Pryce 831.706.3274 spryce@santacruzsentinel.com Circulation Director Mardi Browning Shiver 706.3265 mbrowning@santacruzsentinel.com Internet Director Mike Blaesser 429.2413 mblaesser@santacruzsentinel.com SCS Sales Team Mary Jo Mann Joyce Davis Jay Peters Brittany Barklage Eileen Hemeryck Ray Klopp Jackie White Section Design Greg Borrego Advertising Madelaine Hairrell Greg Borrego facebook.com/scsentinel @scsentinel

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