Rutherford Weekly

October 23, 2014

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Page 28 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, October 23-October 29, 2014 ! A COMMON SENSE TAX SYSTEM Representative Mike Hager increased taxes on electricity, mobile homes, & entertainment, but didn't on yachts/jets. CLASSROOMS WITH BOOKS AND RESOURCES FOR EVERY STUDENT Hager cut $500 million from public education. CLEAN WATER FOR OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, AND PROTECTION OF YOUR LAND He fast-tracked fracking before safety regulations were in place & failed to pass laws making Duke pay for coal ash cleanup. VOTES FOR RURAL INCENTIVES & FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES TO BRING JOBS TO RURAL NC & PREPARE OUR WORK FORCE Under Hager's term, unemployment rates are actually climbing . PAID FOR BY BRALLEY FOR NC HOUSE A VOTE FOR LISA BRALLEY MEANS:

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