Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/37937
Diversity Rules Magazine Keep Up Now by Terry Ludwig Terry’s brother Rob died of AIDS in 2004 and leſt her his writings. Keep Up Now is the result of those com- munications. Terry can be reached at keepupnow@ gmail.com. gem, at the outset buried deep within a mound of chaos and calamity. My treasures have brought me closer to knowing myself and trusting in the Universe to show me a clearer vision and greater pur- pose. When I feel the ground beneath me begin to shake, I trust the Universe has a better plan for me. I have come to understand that fighting “what is”, will only delay my happiness. I have accumulated nu- merous pearls of wisdom, thus far on my journey. Each so I simply accept my part; imagine the life of my happiest dreams, do my work and be Love. Then I have faith ~ the Universe will do the rest. Life is simple; but not always easy. Be only Love. Love’s opposite is fear. If fear is present, there is no love. When Love is present, there is no fear. The key is learning how to choose love, consistently. Think good thoughts and you will create a happy life! It’s your choice…. Keep up Now ~ with the stream of higher con- sciousness and stay connected to the Source. “I am a human being of will; my failure; fear. Follow me through this life I’ve known that soon will pass. Make peace with that which measures past it hath no power over promise true and soon, too, I deliver you. In time like rhyme it’s constant, still, impatient. Fate fulfilled through you.” - Rob Ludwig I greet each day with joyful anticipation; appre- ciating the opportunity to rise and begin again. This life is a gift. I’ve seen so many squander their time; missing the opportunity to be pres- ent and fully enjoy the experience of living. Suddenly their tour is over, often, before it’s even begun. Each morning, before I get out of bed, I write down five things I’m grateful for. This sets the tone for appreciation and allows the reflection of abundance to flood my thoughts. Manifest- ing begins. It is important that I take care of my body, the chosen vehicle for my journey. I jump start each day with an early morning run, infusing my body with positive endorphins, affecting my brain, as my thoughts continue to manifest my day. I connect with my Source and ask for guidance. I take care of my responsibilities; loving everyone and everything; including and most important - myself. I have no idea what is in store for me today, Three Be part of the new Diversity Rules Magazine as a patron or an investor! Contact the editor and ask how!! editor@diversityrulesmagazine.com In addition to patron options, con- tact the Editor about investment opportunities that will also ensure the future viability of Diversity Rules Magazine! editor@diversityrulesmagazine.com