Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/37937
August 2011 My Two Cents by Jim Koury, Editor that it led to Josie’s departure from the music world. However, she is back with a new CD entitled, “Pussycat Babylon” and its GREAT. July was a remarkable month, as it brought marriage equality to New York State on July 24th. Same sex couples, all over New York State applied for their marriage licenses and many got married the same day. Oneonta was no different. The City Clerk’s Office, my office, was open to process mar- riage license applications. It was an exciting day, as we all watched three same sex couples come forward and file their marriage applica- tions, as well as one straight couple. What made the day even more special was the issuance of two waivers to the requisite 24- hour waiting period by the Honorable Otsego County Judge John Lambert. At approximate- ly Noon, I got word that the judge had signed the orders waiving the waiting period. Cheers and tears erupted in the lobby. It was a phe- nomenal feeling. Diversity Rules Magazine PO Box 72 James R. Koury, Editor/Founder 607.432.1179 Website: www.diversityrulesmagazine.com Blog: www.diversityrulesmagazine.blogspot.com E-Mail: info@diversityrulesmagazine.com Copyright 2011 Diversity Rules Magazine Oneonta, NY 13820 Welcome to the August Is- sue of Diversity Rules Mag- azine online! I am excited and honored to have Josie Cotton as our feature cover story and interview. Josie is a remarkable woman and a freind to the LGBTQ com- munity. She is famous for her song in the 80’s entitled, “Johnny Are You Queer.” Johnny was so controversial Later that afternoon, a marriage equality party, sponsored by Diversity Rules Magazine, was held at the Oneonta Theater. There was mu- sic by Lukus Wells, a Binghamton based folk singer, great Cajun food by Boudreaux and Thibodeaux’s, a champagne toast sponsored by Hey Taxi, and a wedding cake made by Christopher Wilson (featured in this issue on page 18). There was also a silent auction ben- efiting the Human Rights Campaign. History was made on July 24th! I am so proud of New York State and the couples that came forward to commit their lives LEGALLY to one another. I am just so elated I was part of it all and did what I could to help facilitate three couples’ desire to marry their life part- ners. Bravo, New York, Governor Cuomo and same sex couples all over New York who got married! We still have a long way to go until full equality is achieved throughout all of the United States, but for now we can savor a sweet and very sig- nificant victory in New York State. Be proud of who you are! Never let anyone tell you that you are a second class citizen any- longer. Stand up for your rights and proclaim who you truly are. Need a speaker for your event! Contact Jim Koury at: editor@diversityrulesmagazine.com Featured in this issue: Cover Story: Josie Cotton Terry Ludwig: Keep Up Now Marriage Equality Party Recap Editor’s Comments at Marriage Equality Party The Poet’s Corner Gay Wedding Singers Camp Highlight Who’s Afraid of Vagina Wolf? Lee Lynch: Oddly Hungry for More Velvet Rope Soaps Christopher Wilson: Human or Somthing Else? eCupid: Love on the Download The Evolution of Ethan Poe Two