El Nacional de Oklahoma

May 15, 2014

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Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic News pa per, Website, Yellow Pages, Attorney & Health Guides and Metro Magazine! 300 SW 25th ST | OKC, OK 73109 www.noticiasoklahoma.com RANDY QUIROGA-KING PUBLISHER Los artículos que se publican aquí, son responsabilidad de quién los escribe. Las cartas deberán contar con el nombre del autor y un teléfono para confirmar The opinions expressed in articles published are not nec - essarily those of El Nacional. Letters should must have a name and phone for verifica- tion purposes. SUBSCRIPTIONS/ SUSCRIPCIONES $96 Year. Mail check or money order: Attention Subscriptions $96 por año. Envíe el cheque o mo- ney order: Atención Suscripciones OKLAHOMA OWNED. HISPANIC OWNED. ADS E-MAIL ads.nacional@coxinet.net NEWS E-MAIL news.nacional@coxinet.net noticias.nacional@coxinet.net GENERAL E-MAIL nacional@coxinet.net 405.632.4531 EDITORA EJECUTIVA ROSA QUIROGA-KING CHIEF - EDITOR CARLOS ORtIz CORRESPONSAL EN TULSA JUAN MIREt CORRESPONSAL EN ARGENTINA DAvID GERMAN vERA REPRESENTANTES DE VENTAS PERRY KEPFORD vICtOR vILLAR ALEX COMEz SERVICIO AL CLIENTE JESSICA vEGA GERENTE DE OPERACIONES SOFÍA HIDROGO DISEÑO GRAFICO SAMUEL CARDONA MARCO SANtA MARÍA EDITOR DE VIDEOS MAttHEw COON EL DE OKLAHOMA NACIONAL Oklahoma's Trusted Spanish News Source. Ofrecemos seguro para Auto, Casa, Vida y Negocio. Se acepta licencia internacional y de su pais. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudar y servir a la comunidad hispana! ¡Llámenos hoy para un estimado GrATiS! WILLIAMS INSURANCE AGENCY 4308 N. MERIdIAN AvE. OkLAHOMA CItY, Ok 73112 405-512-6179 punto de vista ¿LASTIMADO EN EL EMPLEO? ¿Herido en un Accidente de Automóvil? Abogados y Consejeros de la ley. La empresa de Randal Robinson se dedica exclusivamente a accidentes de trabajo (Worker's Compensation) y accidentes automovilísticos. El Licenciado Randall Robinson le atenderá en su propio idioma y de manera personalizada. Con más de 30 años de experiencia sirviendo a la comunidad hispana, el abogado Robinson obtendrá la compensación que usted merece. Proteja sus derechos. Llámenos para una consulta sin obligación. BRYAN AND ROBINSON, INC. • 3801 N. Classen Blvd. (405) 525-7878 HABLE CON SU ABOGADO SIN INTERPRETE ¡Luchamos hasta que ganamos! Randal ROBINSON Vendemos partes usadas Domesticas e Importadas 3031 NE 23rd St • OKC 405-424-6100 www.candcusedautoparts.com Hillary Clinton and Mexican american and other Hispanic Men... point of view By Raoul Lowery Con- treras Hispanic men will not vote for Hillary Clinton for President. Specifically: Mexican American men will not vote for Hillary Clinton for President. ey might vote for her in a pri- mary because of possible lack of any macho Demo- crat to run against her for the nomination, but it is not imaginable that the Mexican American men of California, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and Colo- rado could vote for her. Of these states, Texas is the only reliable Repu- blican state thus if any of these states have normal Democrat voters turn on Hillary, the election could easily be swayed by the- se men. ey voted for Obama and werebetrayed by record high unemplo- yment, Obamacare that they didn't care for and had immigration reform ignored; they were lied to by Obama who delighted indeporting Hispanics in record numbers. Where was Hillary while this record unem- ployment, record depor- tations and immigration indifference reigned in the Obama White House? On the road spending millions upon millions of tax dollars smiling her way around the world while the Putins of the worlds laughed at her; "reset" – Laugh Out Loud! Certainly she has lost the Ukrainian vote, the Cri- mean vote, the Tartar vote as a result of her smiling her way from dinner to dinner. More people live under dictatorships today than did before she beca- me Secretary of State. "Palestine" still isn't at peace and is aligned with terrorist Hamas; Israel is threatened, South Sudan is in turmoil under Islamic pressure, ditto Nigeria, people are dying by dozens of thousands in Syria and her successor John Kerry has no clue. Is this Hillary's base for running for Pre- sident? And, what of the uber-liberal U.S. Sena- tor Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in analyzing who may or may not run for President from the Democratic Party in 2016? Will Mexi- can American men who truly are part A m e r i n d i a n evervote for a phony like W a r r e n w h o c l a i m s to be an A m e - r i n - d i a n ? Not li- kely. So we are back to Hillary. W i l l M e x i c a n A m e r i - can men vote for or against her be- cause she is a woman? We already know that her si- lence as Secretary of State on issues that devastated them during the Obama record unemployment, or the Obama record depor- tations of mostly men to Mexico has not ingratiated her to these men. But, will they remember? It goes without saying that Mexican American women will flock to vote for Hillary for their gender approach will push them to vote for her. But men are a bit diffe- rent. e best example is the 1990 California Gover- nor's race between United States Senator Pete Wil- son, Republican and Mayor DianneFeinstein, Democrat of San Fran- cisco. Wilson, the former Mayor of San Diego elected and re-elected three times with solid Mexican Ame- rican votes easily defeated her for Governor racking up a substantial Mexican American vote, especiall- yamong men. Certainly Dianne Fe- instein and Barbara Boxer went on to win Senate seats in California against men, but, Mexican Ame- rican men and some wo- men have not managed to accept women in execu- tive positions. Of the four largest cities in California (LA, San Diego, San Jose and Sacramento), all mayors are men. Meg Whitman, des- pite spending $140 million plus dollars waswiped out by retread Governor Brown when she ran for governor (run- ning the stupi- dest political campaign in CA history, by the way). Can Hi- llary win the Presi- dency wi- thout Mexi- can American men voting for her? Actually, the question is will Hillary even run for President? If she does, the De m o c rat i c Party will nominate her wi- thout problems generated by Elizabeth Warren or U.S Senator Bernie Sanders, Socialist of Vermont. But will she run? Two issues might pre- vent her from running; one issue is what part of the slaughter of 4 Americans at a Benghazi "diplomatic outpost" on September 12, 2012 is she responsi- ble for and of the apparent cover-up of the slaughter that emanated from her boss, Barack Obama's peo- ple. Secondly, her health looks suspicious, like it mi- ght prevent her from run- ning. We have never had an explanation of what was behind her postponing her appearance before a House committee in which she was questioned about Ben- ghazi. e "official" word was she had a fainting spe- ll and fell hitting her head on something suffering a "concussion." What caused the "fein- ting spell?" Can a 68 year- old Hillary Clinton physi- cally cope with an arduous national campaign? Ronald Reagan was that old when he ran but he had no re- cord of feinting spells and/ or concussions. Is she as durable as Reagan proved to be? Many Mexican Ame- rican men were fooled by Barack Obama, will they bite into Hillary Clinton's illusionary campaign? A-2 EL NACIONAL dE OKLAHOMA Jueves 15 de mayo, 2014 • www.noticiasoklahoma.com opinion

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