Rutherford Weekly

April 10, 2014

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Page 24 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, April 10-April 16, 2014 For the First 25 Callers Only, I'm running a very special offer where you can find out if you are a candi- date for K-Laser therapy. What does this offer include? Every- thing I normally do in my "Knee Pain Evaluation". Just call and here's what you'll get… t"OJOEFQUIDPOTVMUBUJPOBCPVU ZPVSQSPCMFNXIFSF*XJMMMJTUFOySF- ally listen…to the details of your case. t"DPNQMFUFOFVSPNVTDVMBSFY- amination. t"GVMMTFUPGTQFDJBMJ[FEYSBZT t"UIPSPVHIBOBMZTJTPGZPVSFYBN findings so we can start mapping out ZPVSQMBOUPCFJOHQBJOGSFF t:PVMMTFFFWFSZUIJOHöSTUIBOE BOEöOEPVUJGUIJTBNB[JOHUSFBUNFOU XJMMCFZPVSQBJOTPMVUJPOMJLFJUIBT CFFOGPSTPNBOZPUIFSQBUJFOUT The First 25 Callers Only can get everything I've listed here for only $25. The normal price for this type of FWBMVBUJPOJODMVEJOHYSBZTJTTP ZPVSFTBWJOHBDPOTJEFSBCMFBNPVOU CZUBLJOHNFVQPOUIJTPòFS 3FNFNCFSXIBUJUXBTMJLFCFGPSF ZPVIBELOFFQSPCMFNTXIFOZPV were pain free and could enjoy ev- FSZUIJOHMJGFIBEUPPòFS *UDBOCF that way again. Don't neglect your QSPCMFNBOZMPOHFSoEPOUXBJUVOUJM it's too late. %VFUPUIFFYQFDUFEEFNBOEGPSUIJTTQFDJBMPòFS*VSHFZPVUPDBMM PVSPóDFBUPODF5IFQIPOFOVNCFSJT $BMMUPEBZBOEXFDBOHFUTUBSUFEXJUIZPVSDPOTVMUBUJPOFYBNBOE YSBZTBTTPPOBTUIFSFTBOPQFOJOHJOUIFTDIFEVMF0VSPóDFJTMP- DBUFEBU8.BJO4UJO'PSFTU$JUZ/$5FMMUIFSFDFQUJPOJTUZPVEMJLF to come in for the Knee Evaluation. Could This Non-Invasive, Natural Treatment Be The Answer To Your Knee Pain? Here's what to do now: Patella Articular Cartilage Tibia Femur Medial Femoral Condyle Yours in Good Health, Sarah Merrison-McEntire, D.C. *G:PV%FDJEF5P1VSDIBTF"EEJUJPOBM5SFBUNFOU:PV)BWF5IF-FHBM3JHIU5P$IBOHF:PVS.JOE8JUIJO%BZT"OE3FDFJWF"3FGVOE'FEFSBM3FDJQJFOUT"SF&YDMVEFE'SPN5IJT0òFS KNEE PAIN EVALUATION ($250 VALUE) AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 25 CALLERS! | 828-245-0202 $"--50%":50 4$)&%6-&:063 $ 25 Do You Have Any of the Following Conditions? t"SUISJUJT t,OFFQBJO t$BSUJMBHFEBNBHF tA#POFPOCPOF t$SVODIJOH popping sounds t5FOEPOJUJT t#VSTJUJT -JWJOHXJUILOFFQBJODBOGFFMMJLF BDSJQQMJOHFYQFSJFODF-FUTGBDFJU ZPVSLOFFTBSFOUBTZPVOHBTUIFZ VTFEUPCFBOEQMBZJOHXJUIUIFLJET PSHSBOELJETJTOUBOZFBTJFSFJUIFS .BZCFZPVSLOFFQBJOLFFQTZPV GSPNXBMLJOHTIPSUEJTUBODFTPSQMBZ- JOHHPMGMJLFZPVVTFEUP Nothing's worse than feeling HSFBUNFOUBMMZCVUQIZTJDBMMZGFFM- JOHIFMECBDLGSPNMJGFCFDBVTF ZPVSLOFFIVSUTBOEUIFQBJOKVTU won't go away! My name is Dr. Sarah Merrison- McEntire, of Carolina Chiropractic Plus. Since we opened, we've seen IVOESFETPGQFPQMFXJUILOFF QSPCMFNTMFBWFUIFPóDFQBJO free. If you're suffering from these conditions, BOFXCSFBLUISPVHIJONFEJDBMUFDIOPMPHZ may completely eliminate your pain and IFMQSFTUPSFOPSNBMGVODUJPOUPZPVSLOFFT Finally, An Option Other Than Drugs or Surgery The K-Laser is an outpatient, non-surgical procedure, often used in physical therapy and sports medicine to accelerate the heal- ing process. It offers non-invasive treat- ment to promote healing for those who suf fer from pain in muscles, nerves, and joints, MJLFUIBUBTTPDJBUFEXJUIDISPOJDLOFFQBJO 5IJTTBNFMBTFSJTVTFECZQSPGFTTJPOBM TQPSUTUFBNTJODMVEJOHUIF/FX:PSL:BO- LFFTBOE$JODJOOBUJ#FOHBMT It Promotes Rapid Healing Of The Injured Tissues 5IJTQBJOGSFFOPOTVSHJDBMBQQSPBDIXPSLT CZTUJNVMBUJOHUIFCPEZTOBUVSBMIFBMJOH processes, providing pain relief and reduc- ing injury damage. This leading edge technology has an im- pressive success rate of returning patients UPXPSLTQPSUTBOEDPNQFUJUJWFBDUJWJUJFT as well as everyday life. Patients treated with the K-Laser often TIPXBIJHIFSMFWFMPGGVODUJPOCPUIEVS- ing and after the treatment period. The therapeutic laser provides a tremendous alternative for those facing surgery. 5IF'%"DMFBSFEUIFöSTU-BTFS5IFSBQZJO5IJTXBTBGUFS their study found 76% improvement in patients with pain. Their POMZXBSOJOHoEPOUTIJOFJUJOZPVSFZFT0GDPVSTFBUPVSPóDF the laser is never anywhere near your eyes and we'll give you a DPNGPSUBCMFQBJSPGHPHHMFTGPSTBGFUZ %POUXBJUBOEMFUZPVSLOFFQSPCMFNTHFUXPSTFEJTBCMJOH ZPVGPSMJGF5BLFNFVQPONZPòFSBOEDBMMUPEBZ $PVME5IJT(FU3JE0GKnee Pain 0ODF"OE'PS"MM ...Without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery? Now, in Forest City, NC, one doctor is helping local residents with knee pain live more active, pain-free lives. P.S. Now you might be wondering… "Is this safe? Are there any side effects or dangers to this?" "e reason I started going to Carolina Chiropractic Plus is because my knees and legs hurt so much I was having a hard time functioning. e pain was almost unbearable. I was in pain every second of every day making me short tempered and irritable…Just ask my husband! I was just plain miserable! My first experi- ence at CCP made me feel like I was in the right place. I received top notch service and always felt like the staff was taking care of my needs. e...Laser therapy was very nice, warm, and soothing. e results were WOW! I can sleep at night without pain in my knees or legs. I have my joy back! I feel happy and hopeful again. I thought both of my knees needed to be replaced so I am very grateful to the doctors at CCP and the staff. I would definitely recommend CCP to anyone. ey care so much about their patients, and this is a place where you will get the best of everything." -Marcella Winberg

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