The O-town Scene

January 13, 2011

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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Contents of this Issue


Page 27 of 31

Scene Classified Marketplace the O-town  . Last Seen Gay-  9 Lost     Brook Rd. Very Shy. An- swers to Antonio. Do Not Chase. *+,-./0  1 )22 .34-546    With Mower Deck. Runs Great $1,700.             ! "  #$$  % &'( %)           Auto & Truck Repair      ! "# That Need Repair. Free Removal. Call  Front Snow Blade &        for side by side .41 -28-20 gauge. 3.8 hp – 21” cut –4 cycle nearly new - $150.00 case, peep, Matthews drop rest, & many more extras. Limbs, string are nearly brand new. $600 or trade Draw weight gold tip ar- rows, quiver, stabilizer, 31” draw-up to 70 lb.  Personal Trainers  insured.    Weight Strength & Aerobic Training 432-  (3476)   Plumbing & Heating Contractors  Snowplowing, etc... 607-287-9259  Hauling Services     Pellets, Gravel, Stone, Saw Dust, Debris Etc. Fully Insured Hickory Hill Restorations  In-Home Cat Sitting 607-441-3120  Serving Oneonta    20 years. Call 432-1775 Pet Services   Area's Only Private Gym Insured. Free Estimates. EPA Certified 267-4037   Water & Sewage Pumps Pump & Well Service Simmons Water Well Well Drilling/Pump Service Serving 3 county area 607-432-8009 Barney & Sons  Well Drilling Seeking compassionate, caring individuals to assist people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to achieve their dreams Community Plan Coordinator Plan, coordinate and supervise personnel pro- viding services within individuals’ homes.                  50 Assorted Romance Books $20.00 607-433-2496 Briggs S.H.P With Clutch + 8 HP Briggs For Parts $50. 607-433-2496 Kenmore Kegorator With Co2 Tank $75.00 607-278-5791 Spring and Mattress $60. 607-278-5791 LT 225/75/ R16 Like New M&S $75.00 607-563-1222 $75. 607-563-1222 28 0-Town Scene Jan. 13, 2011 LT 225/75/R16 Like New M&S Like New Twin Box Nordic Track Pro With Reading Rack $75. 607-988-7702 Bark Control PD. $89.95 Sell $45.00 431-9324 Weider Pro 300 knee raise/dip/pull up machine. $75.00 Call 287-8183 Pet Safe – Deluxe Dog Partner P42, Poulan-2150 + 2175, Homelite 240 + 330 Chainsaws, Parts? $75. 607-433-2496. All Sorts of Accessories, 4x2x2 , Beautiful Design $75 or Best 432-3204 Reptile Enclosure With    F-T, M-F. Required: Bachelor’s degree in Human Services or related field, one year experience working with people with developmental disabili- ties, proficient computer skills, experience work- ing in a team-based environment, valid NYS driver license and ability to lift 50 lbs. Direct Support Provider-Shared Position F-T, M– Th, 6 am—4 pm. Registered Nurse – Residential Services Direct Support Professionals – Residential Services To learn more visit We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, comprehensive training & career advancement opportunities. To apply send resume to The Arc Otsego, Attn: Human Resources, PO Box 490, Oneonta, NY 13820 or apply in per- son at 35 Academy St., Oneonta, NY The Arc Otsego is an Equal Opportunity Employer. EOE Required: High school diploma, GED or CNA, valid NYS driver license and ability to frequently lift 50 lbs. Interior/Exterior Fully  Painting Interior/Exterior. Fully Free estimates. 432-0516       Lawn & Garden       Insured.     Recycling    Junk Cars & Trucks Most $200 & Up. Licensed &          The Powell Company 607-432-8326   after 6pm 21 Articles For Sale   21 Articles For Sale Six, New Cover, Works Good, Small Crack $500. or Best. 25 Camping - Sports  , Seats 66 Furnished Apartments  Main St. $550 + security. Includes All & Satellite TV.  or Snow Removal                              ! "         #   $ %&&   '( ) *+  ,#"  -$  #..      & lease required. No pets        $600 + security        Gun & Knife Show & Sale Antique Modern & Collectible Buy -   2 bedroom Fire Hall I-88,exit 3 Rt 369 north MAAC quality show Admission $ 6.00 Sell – Trade Sat. Jan 15 - 9am-5pmSun. Jan 16 - 9am-3pmPort Crane NY   nished studio avail. Quiet, central. $750/$600 incl. most utilities.  garage W/D $950 includes heat. Security  fl.   & fur-   $775/mo. Includes heat, hot water garbage & oven. on bus line. 2nd   5 Min. to 67 Unfurnished Apartments    For 67 Unfurnished Apartments   negotiable. Call after 2pm   center-city. Pets   females avail now. 1st      for 1 or 2 Spring 2011 Semester. Call for an Appointment. Off street parking, large backyard , W/D Discounted rate   Transfers welcome 1 & 2 beds. Jan. 1 . No smoke, pets. 914-522-7681 $700/mo + utilities. Avail 01/15/2011. Contact Mandy:     clean & spacious. Near downtown Oneonta with parking. References required. No Pets.   Laundry avail. No smokers $750/mo. condition. Great manager $735. 1 bedroom, heat/hot water included. Great 2 bedrooms Quiet, Views, floor 69 Cottages- Camps for Rent  Cottage. 5 Min. From Main St. Oneonta, Very Private. $625 + Electric. Includes Satellite TV.  . Country  70 Mobile Home Rentals     No Pets. Bedroom $600/mo. + Utilities & Security. 3 Buy & Sell Cars & Trucks   Dump Bed & Boss V Plow Runs Great, Low Miles $8,800.  72 Rooms for Rent          ,  WIRELESS INTERNET, ADVANCE PAYMNT REQUIRED. 607-563-8880 CABLE TV, FREE LOCAL CALLS,  94 Autos for Sale       – 140,000 mi Runs Good $1,850 or Best Offer loaded, excellent FOR INFO CALL:      607-432-9505 condi- tion. Asking $2800, Call 638-5542 after 5pm Inspected $1,000 or Best.  Tires & Brakes, 130,000 mi. Runs Great, Just    New      With 93 Trucks for Sale

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