Better Newspaper Contest

2013 Award Winners

Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher - Better Newspaper Contest

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Division 3 Best Business Section or Pages/ Category 27 First place Business Brian Culp The Reporter-Times (Martinsville) Comments: Clean layout, local stories and a real newsy feel. Excellent use of space. Second place Business Staff The Commercial Review (Portland) Comments: Enjoyed the features and large photos. Third place No award given Best Special Section/Category 28 First place 2013 Who We Are Staff The News-Banner (Bluffton) Comments: Stood out as the clear winner. Over top-notch presentation – well-written stories, nice photography, pleasing layout. An informative publication for the people surrounding Wells County. A top-notch publication. Second place Governor 'Doc' Bowen Lois Tomaszewski, Shawn McGrath & staff Pilot News (Plymouth) Comments: What a nice tribute to a man who obviously made their county proud. A comprehensive look at the work he did while serving the great state of Indiana. A keepsake I'm sure the family is proud of. Third place Community Guide to Steuben County Staff Herald-Republican (Angola) Comments: Anything and everything you'd need to know about living or visiting Steuben County. List upon list upon list. Would have like to have seen feature stories sprinkled throughout the publication to break up the lists and highlight a main attraction, a historical site, a long-time business, etc. Best Community Service/Category 29 First place Connersville Bicentennial Darrell Smith & Staff Connersville News-Examiner Comments: One of a newspaper's responsibilities is to be an advocate for its community. Many towns across the nation have seen local industry dry up and face a situation similar to Connersville's. This series helped highlight things the community can be proud of. Second place Candidates: Where I stand Staff The Tribune (Seymour) Comments: Often a newspaper is the sole source of credible information on local political candidates. A candidate survey serves to inform voters. The feature takes a lot of space but is a worthwhile effort. Third place Deadly heat Staff The Tribune (Seymour) Comments: Interesting article on a subject that is most likely overlooked by most. Best Newspaper Design/Category 30 First place Staff The Tribune (Seymour) Comments: Great centerpieces that displayed a lot of information that was helpful to the readers. Color popped, and typography was above the rest. I didn't want to mail it back. Second place Erin Doucette, Jenny Kobiela-Mondor & Mike Marturello Herald-Republican (Angola) Comments: Nice fonts. Lots of entry points. A close second in a competitive category. Third place Staff The Rochester Sentinel Comments: Solid design with good reproduction. Lot of attention to detail. Page 39

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