Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 50 • December 16, 2010 NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN SAND ANDY MUSH N & OUT INSPECTIONS & MORE NSPECTIONS & MORE Inspections • Oil Changes Open Monday-Frida iday “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL EZ Wireless EZ Wireless UNLIMITED MINUTES UNLIMITED TEXT MESSAGE Nationwide Cellular Works On The Nations Largest Network NO CONTRACT NO CREDIT CHECK $4495 pageplus 828-202-5597 644 S. Broadway St. Forest City Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm ;Sat. 10am-2pm HOME PHONE SERVICE No Connection Fee! Starting At $1432 Brought To You By: & Gr egorys On Main Stree Gregorys for 10% On Main Street OFF your meal See page 11 for information. A1 Vacuum 828-245-4977 352 West Main St Forest City, NC 28043 Across from Owls Stadium For Money Saving Coupons! New Holiday Scented Cleaners! New Vacuum Cleaners For Christmas $59.00 & Up Spice • Buttercream Apple • Home Sweet Home Cinnamon Spice • Eucalyptus MacIntosh • Clean Cotton Yankee Candle Scents Fragrance Sale! Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm Visit Jim Brown received his $5,000 from Chamber Executive Director, Rick Austin. At Santa's House, Ella Duncan, gave Santa her wish list. Meanwhile, Bobby, Kyle, Mom Jessie and Sarah took a ride on a beautiful horse, "Bucky". An actor in the Dickens Christmas Carol, Les Beale portrayed "The Ghost of Jacob Marley". What A Show! 133 & 329 = $ What A Show! 133 & 329 = By M.A.. 10,000 10,000 Reverse Raffl Ends Up 50/50! Reverse Raffl e Ends Up 50/50! By M A. Andrews • maandrews@rutherfor week .com Andrews • Vance Sisk accepts his winning check from Gene Booth, Chamber Board President. It was late in the evening and Jim Bishop continued to call out the ticket numbers. The anticipation grew as he got down to only four numbers, then three, and then two. At that point, the ticket holders of the remaining numbers, Jim Brown, with ticket 133, and Vance Sisk, with ticket 329, stopped the show and huddled. The decision? Rather than let the winning number remain when the next number was called, they decided to split the $10,000! Each would get $5,000.00 and we will never know what number was about to be called and eliminated. Both Jim Brown and Vance Sisk were presented with their winning checks at the Rutherford Chamber of Commerce offices. Pictured here, Jim Brown who is retired, received his check from Chamber Executive Director, Rick Austin. Vance Sisk of Fast Way Oil Change was given his check from Chamber Board President, Gene Booth. Both were happy with their decision. This years Reverse Raffle had a new look. The food just kept coming to the delight of the crowd. Friends, family and supporters all joined in this festive affair. It was really "quite a show!" The new look was very well received. We can't wait until next year! “It’s Christmas & It’s Cold” Carhartt For Men, Women & Kids! Under $ 20 •Work Grip Glove •Logo Long Sleeve Shirt •Graphic Long Sleeve Shirt •Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear •Men's and Women's Fleece Headbands NORRIS MERCHANDISE Under $ 50 •Men's and Women's Flannel Lined Pants •Flannel Lined Shirt Jacket •Sandstone Duck Work Vest •Women's Sandstone Vest •Men's and Women's Denim Overalls 2011 S. Lafayette Street (Hwy. 18 South) • Shelby, NC Hours: Monday - Friday 8am until 5:30pm • Saturday 8am - 3pm 704-482-8464 Filling the air with the sounds of Christmas music, guitarist Paul Bowman and on fl ute Steve Surant. A fantasy of lights, people, A fantasy of lights, people, characters, and characters, and horse drawn carriages horse drawn carriages all spread Christmas cheer! all spread Christmas cheer! The Christmas City of Lights, Forest City, continues to get better every year. This magnificent event continues to grow and offers more and more at Christmastime. This year the crowded streets were pleasantly surprised as characters from Charles Dickens Christmas Carol popped up everywhere. Gentlemen and ladies, all in period dress, met you and even the Ghost of Jacob Marley brought smiles and scares to everyone. Frosty the Snowman mingled with the crowd much to the pleasure of the children. At Santa's House, parents and grandparents patiently waited in line so their children could visit with Santa. Outside and down in front of Santa house, animals spoke and broke the silence of the evening with their cries. Then there were pony rides for good little boys and girls. For the first time there were many stores and eateries open to accommodate the spirited crowd. Somehow, Forest City offers each of us the unique feeling of returning to our childhood. Somehow, once again, we believe! The blessings of Christmas are ours for the asking. Join us as we celebrate a very special birthday and may we soon have, "Peace On Earth!" Just as Tiny Tim said: "God Bless Us - Everyone!" Per Mo. Y”® Y” 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 Forest City.. By M.A.. st City.... A T ue Fantasy Of Christmastime! By M A. Andrews • maandrews@rutherfor week .com Andrews • A True Fantasy Of Christmastime! • Phone: 828-248-1408 • 828-245-1500 Inspections • Oil Changes Open Monda 128 Chase Road • F28 Chase Road • Forest City (Across from K y Largo in Sandy Mush) (Across from Key Largo in Sandy Mush) 828-245-1500 st City $50Front Or Rear Special ONLY Special ONL Brake 5000 00 NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN Email: USH I & OUT Brake NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN ©Community First Media Community First Media NOW OPEN • NOW OPEN RESULTS! RESULTS! WE GET WE GET