Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 48 • December 2, 2010 EZ WIRELESS Works On The Nations Largest Network NO CONTRACT • NO CREDIT CHECK “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL DOUZO’S GYMGY •T-Shirts• •Muscle Shirts• •Polo Shirts• •Supplements• •Training Gear••Training Gear• •Muscle Shirts• •Polo Shirts• •Supplements• Y”® Y” 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 DOUZO’S You re Invited t the 1 th •T-Shirts• ou'r' e Invited to the 14 Annual Festival of T ees • Phone: 828-248-1408 th stival of Trees!! Hospice of Rutherford County began a very special event in 1997 that continues to be a tradition for many families. The Hospice Festival of Trees gives people an end-of-year opportunity to support patient care and a perfect way to honor or memorialize loved ones during the holidays. The money raised through this event enables Hospice of Rutherford County to provide the highest quality care for terminally ill patients and their families and provide grief counseling for anyone in the community who has lost a loved one. This year, Hospice volunteers are making hundreds of clay “partridge in a pear tree” ornaments pictured at right. The names of persons honored or memorialized will be attached to each hand-made ornament. These beautiful ornaments will be placed on trees at Carolina Event and Conference Center beginning November 29 and continuing through December 9. The Festival will culminate with a drop-in celebration the evening of Thursday, December 9 from 5:30 until 7pm. All donors are invited to view the trees and take their ornaments home for the holidays during the event. ny nd nt eir at e er f s Gift Certifi cates vailable Gift Certifi cates Available S. Broadway St. Forest City CONTRA CONTRACT Only $25 NO P 25er Month er Month NO S. Broadway St. Forest City 828-382-0284 Join Now 828-382-0284 Join Now Only Hospice is asking that you consider this invitation to honor or remember someone special with a much- needed and thoughtful gift. There is no minimum gift required, but please remember that Hospice must provide the materials and necessary overhead for the volunteers to make these keepsakes. The generosity of Festival of Trees participants will enable people to receive the care they want and deserve. - t Enclosed is $______ for ___# of ornament(s) for Hospice Festival of Trees. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. For more ornaments, use another piece of paper. IN MEMORY OF____________________________ SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO THE FOLLOWING: Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________ Phone:___________________________________ IN HONOR OF______________________________ SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO THE FOLLOWING: Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Entry form on page 27. After the holiday last year a student came in so excited, “This was the fi rst time we’ve had turkey on Thanksgiv- ing.” Puzzled, the counselor wondered what they meant, a bit put out with her confusion, he explained, “you know the turkey in those rolls!” She realized he meant Turkey Vienna Sausages… Across Rutherford County the Back Pack Food program has exploded and many elementary schools have some version of this needed resource. The pilot program was begun through Communities In Schools of Rutherford County (CISRC) at Spindale Elementary in the 2009- Bring In A Unwrapped Toy On Or By 12/20/10 To Our Offi ce & Receive 1 FREE PERSONAL CLASSIFIED AD 20 Word Limit • 2 Weeks Or $ Any Display Ad Proceeds To Local Kids! Brought To You By: 828 248-1408 369 Butler Rd. Forest City, NC 28043 NORRIS MERCHANDISE J141 2011 S L 704-482-8464 C26 2011 S. Lafayette Street (Hwy. 18 South) • Shelby, NC Hours: Monday - Friday 8am until 5:30pm • Saturday 8am - 3pm th) Sh lb N 10.00 Off 2010 school year. We started with around 17 children and grew to serve 46 children each week, this year they serve 50. We began a second site in Cliffside Elementary at the start of this school year. This was made possible through a grant from Eaton Corporation. At both Cliffside and Spindale, the site coordinators handle distribution of the food along with man- agement of the mentoring program and other services to students. Services to the students must have parental permission and are offered with a high level of confi dentially. CISRC is also working with Rutherford County Schools in sharing the Outreach/Site Coordinators at the 3 middle schools. There are about 10-15 students in each of those programs. At each of the elementary schools not served by a CISRC Site Coordinator, the responsibil- ity for running the programs falls most often to the Principal and the Guidance Counselor. This is added to their normal duties and the extra things that have fallen to them as budgets have been tighten. Teresa Smith, at Sunshine, saw their program go from a very small group 3 years ago when they fi rst started to this year delivering 39 packs each week. Smith said, “It is very hard to get these out each week with my regular duties, but when I feel I just can’t go • 644 S. Broadway Street, Forest City Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; sat. 10am-2pm 828-202-5597 $14.32 pageplus Email: No Connection Fee! Unlimited Minutes Unlimited Text Message Nationwide Cellular HOME PHONE SERVICE • GREAT COVERAGE! Starting At EZ WIRELESS $4495 Per Mo. DONOR’S NAME:___________________________ Address:__________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________ Complete this form and mail it with your check to: Hospice, PO Box 336, Forest City, NC 28043. Must be received before December 3. “FIRST TURKEY AT THANKSGIVING” on some how it all gets done and how can you refuse this?” At Rutherfordton Elementary, Marci McDaniel, trained with Amy Revis at Spindale, “So we could take advantage of what Amy learned last year. We are lucky, members of Our Father’s Vineyard Church, collect the food, do the packing and have them ready, I just have to see the students get them each week. Our program at Rutherfordton serves 29 students now.” Tammy Jarrett at Mt. Vernon-Ruth Elementary called in a panic knowing at least 38 stu- dents at her school had this need. We worked with several church groups and she called volunteers and they are starting to move well. “Mackie” McMahan, a former student of hers has taken this on as his Senior Project, and is working to garner support. He has already had food to start them up come from Second Baptist Church and has promises from both Mt. Vernon Baptist and Methodist Church groups coming to help them through the rest of the year. Food Lion in Rutherfordton has also been supportive as Mt. Vernon-Ruth is their adopted school. At Harris Elementary, Denise Millwood, was doing it alone with the help of her teachers. She said, “I knew there was a need and something had to be done.” She now has the sup- port of more members of the community but as with the other programs can always use additional help, she currently serves 19 students. Programs at Forest City-Dunbar serving 29 students, Ellenboro Elementary serving 50 students and Pinnacle Elementary serving 12 currently are all done strictly with staff support and community volunteers. Each program needs food, volunteers to help sort and pack the food and people collecting or donating for the program. Monetary donations can be made to Communities In Schools of Rutherford County (tax deductible). For info call 828-288-0228 or email or visit www.Ru- Submitted by: Charlotte Ware Epley STAY WARM - Keep Out The Cold With Carhartt ©Community First Media Community First Media ©CommuniCommunity First Mediaty First Media RESULTS! RESULTS! WE GET WE GET WE NEED WE NEED YOUR HELP! YOUR HELP!