VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more
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N O V E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 3 / Y O U R b u s i n e s s - t o - b u s i n e s s w e e k ly SPECIAL FOCUS TECHNOLOGY AT WORK This month, VEGAS INC examines the local tech industry and its impact on the economy. e-cigarettes ignite a business boom and spark health concerns By Paul Takahashi staff writer L.E. BASKOW THINK TANK: Russ Logan, left, and Brady Dehn, vice presidents of software firm Originate, work out of an office at the inNEVation Center, a co-working space designed by Switch CEO Rob Roy near Decatur Boulevard and the 215 Beltway. Co-working centers have become popular work spaces for local tech entrepreneurs. FINDING ITS FOOTING Las Vegas' tech sector has come a long way over the past year but still has some maturing to do By Eli Segall staff writer A Shelby Gibbs takes a puff from a thin plastic pipe, cocks her head slightly and blows a plume of white vapor that quickly shrouds her face. An ephemeral kiwi scent permeates the air inside the Vapery. Gibbs visited the posh central valley "vapor" shop on a recent Friday evening to purchase her first electronic cigarette. "What do you think?" her friend Kaitlyn Chandler, 21, asks as Gibbs tries a new flavor, dubbed "Kwikee." "I like it," the 21-year-old College of Southern Nevada student replies, nodding her head. "I'm down with the kiwi." Gibbs is among a growing number of young adults and teenagers across the country who are experimenting with e-cigarettes. Their surging use, particularly among youths, is prompting new concerns among health officials who have long waged see e-cigarettes,page 16 year ago, Las Vegas' tech sector was creating a lot of buzz but not many results. ¶ Ideas were flying all over the place. Techies would concoct a business plan and work INSIDE TODAY nonstop for a weekend building a website or software, then lose interest and let the EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL | P. 6 concept fizzle. There was only one big pot of tech-focused investment cash, and out- of-state startups typically moved here only if they received money from it. ¶ Today, Las Vegas' geek scene is maturing, moving past its raw beginnings and gaining footing as a real industry. see TECH SECTOR, page 14 20131104_VI01_F.indd 1 Why laws to protect gay and transgender workers are good for business CHANGING DOWNTOWN | P. 7 A look at five new projects that aim to transform downtown Las Vegas THE LIST | 22 General contractors, by billings 10/31/13 3:01:38 PM