Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 46 • November 18, 2010 S. Broadway St., Forest City • 828-382-0284 S. Broadway St., Forest City • 828-382-0284 DOUZO’S G Gift Gift Certifi cates vailable Certifi cates Available “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL Y”® Y” 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 • Phone: 828-248-1408 • Celebrating 35 Years.... RUTHERFORD COUNTY MAKES A FRIEND! SEE PAGE 12! EZ Wireless EZ Wireless UNLIMITED MINUTES UNLIMITED TEXT MESSAGE Nationwide Cellular Works On The Nations Largest Network NO CONTRACT NO CREDIT CHECK $4495 pageplus 828-202-5597 644 S. Broadway St. Forest City Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm ;Sat. 10am-2pm Miracle in Progress Carl Cartee ... w New scre Patrick Doughtie Fri., Nov. 19 • 7pm Gardner-Webb University Tickets $ 10.00 Ticket info: 828-286-9990 or Ray with Chuck Norris as part of the "Kick Drugs Out Of America" program. Ray with his wife Anita and a student (left), Sean Clark, who has just achieved second degree black belt. SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Inside this edition! by Rutherford County Chamberhe frfordC INSERT yR tuth INSER CounttyCh hambe Instruments Large GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT Musical Selection Electronics B&D’S THRIFT & LOAN 596 South Broadway St., Forest City • 828-245-3551 Game Systems & Games From TVs o iPods! • From Drums T From TVs to iPods! • From Dr t ums To Gu tars We Have A Large Se ection & Supplies Tooe Have A Large Selection & Supplies Tl Guitarsi oo!! Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:45 • Sat. 8:30-4:30 Major Credit Cards Accepted GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Bring us your chains, rings bracelets...anything gold & we’ll pay you TOP DOLLAR! Cash on Cash on the Spot!the Spot! FFH ... with special guest speaker; New York Times best selling author, screenwriter, and co-director of the After every lesson Ray offers his students a few words of positive reinforcement. HOME PHONE SERVICE No Connection Fee! Starting At $1432 Per Mo. Ray Rice with his three World Championship belts and, on the left and right, some young students beginning the pursuit of that much desired achievement - the black belt! By M A. Andrews • maandrews@rutherfor week .com By M.A.. Andrews • Throughout the United States, and even the world, there are not too many areas or counties that make the claim which is a bragging right exclusive to Rutherford County. Specifi cally, that Rutherford County is home to not one, but three world championships, all held by one man. His name is Ray Rice! He now celebrates 35 years in his beloved Martial Arts. He is student, teacher and believer! He is a celebrated martial artist. He brought home World Championship titles from Russia, Italy and Canada! He has been active in Martial Arts since 1971 and holds the rank of 8th Degree Black Belt. He has also earned belts in Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, Ju-Jitsu and Akido. His studio at 140 West Main Street in Forest City is more like a museum of achievements. It is full of trophies, testimonials, photos and medals. Everywhere you go there is positive proclamations. They state what Ray Rice believes: Positive discipline in mind, body and spirit! His school is ranked in the top 1ten nationally and is an award winning school. Ray has been married to Anita for 33 years; they have two boys, Brandon and Cory. Both boys are in college pursuing their professional careers. They also are black belt martial artists. Ray opened his fi rst school in 1975. His career and school has seen its ups and downs, but Ray is committed to all that is good about Martial Arts. He offers what he refers to as "positive discipline in a now negative world." He claims that through it all, he gained renewed strength and is now more committed than ever. He has dealt with acceptance and rejection, but the positive frame of mind makes it all work out for the better! He life is defi nitely testimony to what he teaches! Ray in a yesteryear picture with his two sons, Cory and Brandon. In an ever changing world, Ray Rice con- tinues to spread the gospel of Martial Arts - Respect, Excellence, Attitude, Commit- ment, Loyalty and Honor. On the right wall of his studio, in large red letters, he states the schools mission: "This Is A Black Belt School. Your Goal Is To Be Black Belt and Beyond. Quitters Never Win And Winners Never Quit." Personally, he will add: high achievers in life are not born - they are made! He gives a lot of credit of his success to his father, mother, wife and sons. Also, to extra ordinary friends who were there when he needed them. He is a very Christian man and has no trouble letting anyone and every- one know what, he says, he fi nally discov- ered for himself. Parents and grandparents alike claim that because of Ray's infl uence, the kids who he teaches are more respectful, more focused and more self disciplined. To them, he is a big plus in their children's lives. One parent said that self-esteem is a great bonus in Ray Rice's teaching. How fortunate that beyond holding three world championships, we also have a teach- er who still cares. Celebrating 35 Years.... •T-Shirts •Muscle Shirts •Polo Shirts •Supplements & Training Gear •T-Shirts •Muscle Shirts •Polo Shirts •Supplements & Training Gear DOUZO’S GYM Join Now Only$25 Only Email: A Giant Among Us! A Giant Among Us! Join Now P 25er Month er Month NO CONTRA NO CONTRACT ©Community First Media Community First Media ©Community First Media Community First Media RESULTS! RESULTS! WE GET WE GET Layaway Now Layaway Now For For Christmas! Christmas!